Anonymous ID: bd23cb April 3, 2019, 9:56 a.m. No.6032968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2981 >>3069 >>3146 >>3350 >>3484

>>6032574 (lb)


Well said. Ive thought about this a lot and i always get flamed for bringing it up but. I think you are right.

The only thing I would add is (and youtube christians hate when i say this) feel free to go ahead and apply that same scrutiny to the book of revelation.


Jesus in matthew, mark, luke and john us as you described. However, there seems to be a complete 'satanic jew reversal' that occurs in revelation. Jesus in revelation is nothing like the Jesus in the rest of the new testament. John of Patmos is not John the Apostle. You all will have to do your own research here but suffice it to say most christians these days ONLY read revelations, and theyre all convinced that satan is going to take over and unleash all manner of hell on all innocents and guilty alike, including fire, plague, torture, literally giant metal scorpions and no one is able to die during this, you just have to enioy your torture.


There were many early church fathers that did not believe this book belonged in the canon.


If you read the big 4 if the gospel, Jesus leaves you with a lot of Hope. MAGA makes sense. We defeat the serpent and show these evil jews who Gods children really are.


Question revelatiin, or give me one good reason to include it that isnt a stupid guilt trip about biblical innerency urging me to stop using my God given discernment, and ill happily consider it. That never happens when i bring this up though.


I believe in Jesus. I believe we sre going to literally fuck these evil satanic pieces of shit up and with Gods help return this world to the kingdom he intended it to be. I do not think our father has any intention of torturing us. Change my mind or just flame away, itll probably make me laugh anyways. No one is harder on me than myself ;)

Anonymous ID: bd23cb April 3, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.6033109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3480



Appreciate the response. I am phone fagging so…not to be an asshole, but it is literally just a straight reversal. Good forgiving guy, to vengeful ready-to-kill man woman and child alike.


Revelation has tons of other issues BEFORE you even get to the Jesus part. Youre an autist right?? Go compare the writing style of the book of John, to the writing style of John of Patmos in the book of Revelation.


Please tell me you can see these are not the same Johns??? If you cannot admit there is any difference st all (even if you still believe Revelation is inspired, which is fine) then this conversation is going to wear my ass out trying to explain. Please dont make me ruin my thumbs on this phone.

Anonymous ID: bd23cb April 3, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.6033188   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Its not a fun conversation lol i really dont like going toe to toe with my own people.


FwIW i am still willing to change my mind on this. I just cannot find a reason to.