Kek. Would def take something that big to get his ass off the ground.
Hey, I have a bro I don't trust, so that doesn't surprise me.
Will be interesting to see how things evolve at Fox News.
I know. I was speaking in regard to the confusion at Fox News and Murdoch family.
Billy the Bulldog takes a stand. Gotta love it.
Aren't you in SS custody yet?
"Dumb Jew". Kek
Felicity Huffman did not carry that same posture going into court. She seems to have a better grasp of the situation.
This one is an arrogant bitch whk is going down.
She's eccentric for sure.
Absolutely. I have a sibling whose grammar is so incredibly bad that I truly wonder if said sibling is of the same blood.
I do not know how people raised in the same household can be so different.
You're a fucking perverted whackjob.
You might try getting out of Mommy's basement, and seeing the reality of the world, you sick and twisted motherfucker. All you see are pictures, and not the reality of what those pictures represent.
Crack fucking book, you amoral loser.