Jumping back on for a few and was just thinking- and hear me out on this: Given ES family who seem to be patriots, and looking at things like Flynn, Sessions, Wray, etc and what makes a great movie- What if Snowden has been part of the gig the whole time. Think about it, if any other country wanted him dead he would be by now except for the exceptional protection we provide our true patriots. Think about the images posted of ES. Also, consider that POTUS has been setting this stage for a LONG time…probably since Reagan. I saw an interview with him nearly 20 years ago saying how if he were President, he would make a deal with NOKO. All the players that have been put into place for this performance took a LOT of time and planning. What if ES roles has been part of GEOTUS plan all along?
>>603608 Nice work
>>603707 Refer to my comment above and reasoning. I think he works for US.
>>603817 Exactly supporting my thinking
>>604100 kek