Why the people will always lose.
Thanks to the thought engineering efforts of the government(s), the dumbed down populations continually fall for the same endless streams of lies and promises of change when not even once has any change ever benefited those who exist within the systems of promised change.
Know that the overwhelming volume of emotional engineered thoughts being plied upon the innocent populations by their own government(s) is total and complete. And knowing that thanks to social media and smart phones, we now have minute by minute and hour by hour populating of engineered thoughts into the public consciousness sure doesn’t leave much hope for an actual revolution freeing the public from the illusionists grasp.
The war against the public has been ongoing for about as long as history has been recorded and for equally as long the gullible public has fallen for the illusionists slight of hand. The citizens of every single country on the planet will likely flail away pointing fingers at who they are told to point fingers at while being subjugated and eliminated for as long as they can be divided, they will be ruled.