Anyone still believe this Stormy Daniels whore is in cahoots with Trump?
This stupid bitch is really becoming a distraction.
I don't think so anymore.
This is the headline today, the day that the headline should be N Korea.
I don't think Trump would siphon off that win for the negative attention this bitch whore is bringing.
You guys are behaving like the guy walks on water. This bitch is a problem.
There are limits to that. You think he would put this stupid distraction out there so his young son hears about it in school?
Be realistic.
This is an opportunistic bitch whore fucking up the bread.
Things that are not part of the plan happen too, anon.
Its a big world out there, try and consider maybe something in the plan not going to plan.
No way Trump steals his own thunder on N Korea day.