Anonymous ID: f7191b March 9, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.603617   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Fucking idiots.

Why do we even read messages by people who don't read the Q drops.


ES is Eric Schmidt. Whaty does his family have to do with @snowden?


NOTHING you fuckface. Take a handful of fentanyl tablets now and spare the world your idiocy in future.

Anonymous ID: f7191b March 9, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.603660   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We could make a campaign out of it to only post truly socratic questions in memes and tweets for 7 days.


People will notice that there is ledd news, and many more QUESTIONS.

Anonymous ID: f7191b March 9, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.603721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3735



POTUS can just issue an EO that declares everything to be treated as if it was valid unless otherwise stated in an EO or new law.


And if there is a legal impediment to doing that, then POTUS can declare a state of emergency, shut down all transport systems, arrest all Congress reps, fly them to the Capitol and lock them in until they make a law that essentially does the same thing.


That would be where the x days of darkness MIGHT POSSIBLY happen

Anonymous ID: f7191b March 9, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.603735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3764



P.S. I really do mean arrest them all because if there was no President for 8 years, there is no Republic, and the God Emperor can do whatever the fuck he pleases and his military will support.


Fortunately for all, he wants a sane Republic back.

Anonymous ID: f7191b March 9, 2018, 12:58 p.m. No.603756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3776



He won't have to pay anything. As a criminal who violated human rights laws, the Dec 21 EO means that all his assets, will already be the property of the US government when he is arrested. He won't even have money for a lawyer but of course, the judge will give him an allowance for that and appoint a trustee to manage the allowance funds for him.

Anonymous ID: f7191b March 9, 2018, 1:06 p.m. No.603821   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>They are setting the stage for when the HRC vid comes out.


A smart prosecutor will not release any video and only make a convoluted and confusing statement about some possible recording of something blah blah…


Then Twitter will be flooded with QUESTIONS?

What does it mean?

Did the DA say there is a tape?

Is there something incriminating?

What did the DA mean when he said he has received a record?

Was it delivered on a vinyl record?

Was it just a memo?

Why did he say Lynch colluded with Clinton?

Did he mean Hillary or Bill?

How could they collude about anything?

Why was he saying that about the airplane wiindow?

Was someone making a video through the window?

What is going on here?


Just imagine how something like that would TOTALLY destroy the MSM narrative about lies on Twitter. The DA can then follow up by tweeting a clarification in one well written tweet. EVERYBODY would retweet it. It would be the only true facts available. Then follow it up after a 15 minute delay, and when MSM gets their newsrooms geared up to report the tweet, the DA tweets a video URL and again EVERYBODY retweets it, and ignores MSM bullshit suppositions.


Twitter goes from ALL LIES to the ONLY SOURCE OF TRUTH.

Anonymous ID: f7191b March 9, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.603947   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just confirms that for National Security and Public Safety the government has to provide proper care and treatment for people with mental disorders. These people can be cured and in the meantime, prevented from harming themselves and others.


Plus, by rounding them up and interviewing them carefully, we can find out who has been fucking people's minds up on purpose as a political weapon system, and put those fucker in prison.


My God, that would make America so GREAT AGAIN, wouldn't it? We could help ourselves by helping others!

Anonymous ID: f7191b March 9, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.603956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3967



People in that state of mind should not be in a city. They should be way out in the country where there are wild places nearby, and gardens and animals that need their tender care. This is how you heal mental illnesses.

Anonymous ID: f7191b March 9, 2018, 1:30 p.m. No.604024   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They probably have a huge number of lawyers already combing through the legal implications. I expect that many of Trump's EOs contain repair work that will make sure that everything important is covered in case 44's laws are null and void.


For one, POTUS could sign all the bills over top of 44s signature. And nothing would happen if a law goes away unless someone takes it to court first. If that happens POTUS can make a new EO to cover the gap starting today, so only that one person gets a right to litigate. And they still have to pay the fees etc. And judges have been known to say, you are right and I award you damages of $1. Imagine the first trial takes 10 minutes and the judge awards a dollar. Nobody else will try it.


So there are a lot of failsafes possible and I am sure that lawyers have looked at this for MANY YEARS already.


Never forget that a military coup was planned to happen several years ago, but they held back when they realized that Trump might well be convinced to run for President.

Anonymous ID: f7191b March 9, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.604110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4198



My God you are a stupid dumb ass. You would do more good banging your head on a brick wall. I'm with your sisters on this one.


If it was my family I would make sure to watch Rachel Maddow religiously. In fact I would record every show and watch it 3 times.


And then when I saw my sisters I would not tell them a damn thing. I would only ask questions about recent Maddow shows.


I wonder why Rachel never said anything about X


Why is Rachel saying that we should ban guns when that means only the police will have guns?


I saw on Maddow about those kids at Parkland and their gun campaign. Don't you thinkit is shameful that they never say anything about their 17 dead classmates? I know some schools are really cliquish, but that is just not right, don't you think?


And on and on and on.


But if you are not serious, you just keep being a dumbass. And when your sisters call me to be a witness at your commitment hearing I will testify that you really are a stupid dumbass who is a threat to society and should be locked up until a psychiatrist can fix your broken mind.

Anonymous ID: f7191b March 9, 2018, 2:01 p.m. No.604270   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Wait until the meeting with Kim. After the meeting Trump will speak and say,


I know I've been keeping you in the dark about some things, but it had to be done this way. This is so very important for our nation, for the Korean nation and indeed, for the whole world. The decisions made today are GLORIOUS for the Korean people and I hope they will be GLORIOUS for the rest of us as well.


In other words, Trump is staging things for the Kim meeting. That will happen in a wamr brightly lit venue. The NK issue will COME IN FROM THE COLD and Trump will shine a NEW LIGHT on the situation.


It has to be this way because the cabal are so hung up about symbolism that they need to be repeatedly hit over the head with their own symbols to show that (((they))) NO LONGER CONTROL ANYTHING AT ALL.