>>6035260 LB
What the fuck are you even saying to me, you fucking degenerate? It's too early to be drunk, Boomer. If you still had to produce anything, you'd know that.
>>6035260 LB
What the fuck are you even saying to me, you fucking degenerate? It's too early to be drunk, Boomer. If you still had to produce anything, you'd know that.
Let me ask you this- if you had a group of people, who as a group are pretty fucking obnoxious, what reactions are permissible? Am I required to submit to their presence and behavior without challenging it? Why?
Nah, I'm a stud. Not worried about you, or your opinions. But here the Boomers come, crying and trying to justify themselves (by attacking? almost like they don't have a point.. weird, right?) and then there you are, doing the same shit.
General managers can make 50k to start, district managers can make 70k.. why are you trying to shame people that are working in the service industry? That's some elitist shit, you punk faggot.
Any job a man takes, he should do his best at, and any job a man takes to feed his family is nothing to be ashamed of. Who the fuck are you to look down your nose at anybody? A silver-spoon faggot, and a fake tough guy, sounds like.
So I guess all the miners that got told to learn to code got laid off because they were lazy dipshits, right? Thanks, Boomers. It's great how you're always here to set us straight, tell us it's out fault for being lazy.. stupid.. and dis-respect-ful.
They were better than most, still part of a garbage, no-responsibility generation that just got old and never grew up, then acted pissy because their kids didn't miracle themselves into being clones of them.
Oh, no, my friend- that's where you're wrong. It would obviously be very, very convenient if Gen X and younger just bent over and let the Boomers off the hook altogether, but you bitches are still alive, and you've managed to suck a good deal of the available economic capital.
So the best questions it, how can I involve as many parties and as much leverage as possible into confronting the current situation? Because it isn't all the younger generations' problem.
Part of the answer to that is to not enable the smug self-satisfaction, self-indulgence, and inertia that characterizes the older generations.
Boomers aren't dead yet, and the first step to fixing a problem is recognizing you have one, right?
Someone comes into your house, puts his feet up on the furniture while you're trying to clean shit up, you just ignore that guy? Eh, he doesn't know better, eh, he's old, eh, the dirt he walked through was already there before he tracked it in.. Seriously? GTFO
That's your response? That's what you've got to say? So right all you have to do is sit back and bask in the glow of your own righteousness, right? You're an ace, Boomer. Hope some day your kids can be half as awesome as you are, but if they're not, it's 100% their own fault. Start a race hobbled, it's your fault.. somehow.. right?
You're trash.
What's funny about that is that you think that's an answer to something. Unlike you, I actually happen to know something about moving to a place like that to work on a pipeline.
No housing, campsites filled up, people renting out use of a camper for other guys working shifts, working around and with guys that are meth'd out of their gourds, child molesters, rapists. Great place to uproot a family and take them to, right? You people.. see, this is what I'm talking about.
Hey, I know our generation didn't get fucked like this, but if you don't bend over and let yourself get reamed out and dehumanized, you're a pussy.
I'm lucky I'm one of the ones your Boomer faggot gaslighting doesn't work on. Some of the X and Y kids are seriously fucked up because of the cards they got dealt- and who dealt the cards? Nobody right, kids just found them on the ground, I guess.