Anonymous ID: a9b05d April 3, 2019, 3:08 p.m. No.6036903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6036814 (lb)


“MFW the Spirit Cooking and Heroin just touches my soul….



“She’s ours Master, her transformation is almost comlete. Stephanie is just a casual observer now”

Anonymous ID: a9b05d April 3, 2019, 3:45 p.m. No.6037373   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Potus knows exactly what he’s saying and to who.

And whether he’s talking to a fren…

Or Foe, they know it.


I mean yeah in an off the cuff unplanned speech he, like any person who knows more than they can say he might fumble a little bit.

We all do it.

Im tired of polished speeches by professional writers coming out of politicians mouths like its their own thoughts. Charming snakes that say all the right things that bear no resemblance to how or what they are really thinking and doing.

Potus talks to us.

Even when it makes him look bad.

He pays attentions to the needs and opinions of the people loyal to him and what he’s trying to do for our country that was and is in very bad shape.

He’s also willing to listen to opinions that he doesn’t agree with and still consider it.

This is an excellent administration considering many are great people who are learning the ins and outs as they go.

All the while….

He’s got a lot of very powerful people working against everything he tries to do and they blatantly lie to the American people about their reasons.

Meanwhile they use those false reasons to force policies and laws down the good people of America throats and write more laws that represent the interests of shitheads.

But hey, they don’t talk about their dad when meaning their grandfather or vice versa.

So theres that.

Happy for you.