Anonymous ID: cdc6cb April 3, 2019, 3:10 p.m. No.6036919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6929


yes it is fake and gay.

and it won´t make all the anons become muh jew shills.

it will be forgotten in 2 days and while being discussed more newfags see that anons are fighting behind enemy lines.


whatever shills do, they glow.

they lost.

Anonymous ID: cdc6cb April 3, 2019, 3:11 p.m. No.6036937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6954 >>7023

Vatican takes over leadership of Knights of Malta chivalric order after British Grand Master resigns in acrimonious battle over condoms



The Vatican is to take over the Knights of Malta after the British head of the ancient chivalric order resigned over an acrimonious row about condoms.


Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Grand Master Matthew Festing on Wednesday after his defiance of papal authority ended in a spectacular own goal.


The Pope will now appoint one of his own men as the new head of the ancient order, in an unprecedented intervention by the Vatican into the affairs of one of the world’s most illustrious Catholic bodies.


Cambridge-educated Grand Master Matthew Festing has become the first Grand Master of the 900-year-old Catholic order to resign his post since 1799.


The 67-year-old Englishman is only the fourth Grand Master to have stepped down since 1169.


Like the Pope, the head of the order is supposed to remain in his post until his death, and the resignation was seen as a humiliating defeat for Mr Festing.


The acrimonious feud between the Knights of Malta, a charitable order that traces its origins back to the Crusades, and the papacy began before Christmas when Mr Festing dismissed the order’s foreign minister, a German aristocrat named Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager.


Some members of the order have been privately appalled that the weeks-long confrontation has overshadowed the good work of its 100,000 doctors, nurses and volunteers, who care for the poor and sick in more than 100 countries around the world.


Founded during the Crusades to provide protection for Christian pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem, the order has the status of a sovereign country, despite possessing only a few acres of territory on top of Rome’s Aventine Hill, overlooking the Tiber.


The ancient order, which is officially known as the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta, maintains diplomatic relations with more than 100 countries and has permanent observer status at the UN.


>permanent observer status at the UN.

Anonymous ID: cdc6cb April 3, 2019, 3:20 p.m. No.6037032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7037 >>7052 >>7075 >>7086

Who are the Knights of Malta?


A couple of years ago when Prince William joined the Knights of Malta, pictures of the initiation were shown on the News without any attempt at secrecy. We all saw the Prince and other royal members dressed up in the funny outfits, and as usual, most people thought it was just one more charming royal tradition full of meaningless pomp and ceremony, without stopping to ask the most basic and fundamental question. Who are the Knights of Malta?


On the internet I came across an excellent article by Joshua E. Keating called "Who are the Knights of Malta - and What do they want?" I've pasted the link at the end of this blog if you want to read the whole article, but for this article I've chosen a couple of quotations to help illuminate the history and unusual status of this organisation.



"The group was founded in 1048 by merchants in Jerusalem as a monastic order that ran a hospital to tend to Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land. At the height of its power, the order was also tasked by Rome with the additional military function of defending Christians from the local Muslim population……. When the sultan of Egypt retook Jerusalem in 1291, the Knights of St John (an alternative name for the knights of Malta) went into exile, settling in Rhodes 20 years later. In 1523 they were forced from Rhodes by the Sultan's forces and settled in Malta, which they ruled until they were dislodged by Napoleon's army in 1798. The order settled in Rome in the mid-19th century, where it remains to this day. Despite its name, the Knights haven't had any military function since leaving Malta. Instead, the order has gone back to its charitable roots by sponsoring medical missions in more than 120 countries".


Now for the really bizarre facts…



"Despite having no fixed territory besides its headquarters building in Rome, the order is considered a sovereign entity under international law. It prints its own postage stamps and coins… and enjoys observer status at the United Nations,….. The Knights maintain diplomatic relations with 104 countries. The order does not have official relations with the USA, though it has offices in New York… and Washington."


That's right. This organisation, for some strange reason, has the status of a sovereign nation, and can issue stamps, coins, and even passports! How? Who can explain such a bizarre arrangement? But I'm sure there's a good reason for it, and I would wager that it's near impossible for an ordinary person to find out exactly what that is. However, one thing is clear, it is no mere ceremonial tradition, and the British Royal family will certainly have a very good reason for being members.

Anonymous ID: cdc6cb April 3, 2019, 3:23 p.m. No.6037075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7356



This is the world’s most exclusive passport and only 500 people have it


Despite having diplomatic relations with more than 100 states, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta doesn’t control any territory of its own. There are over 13,500 knights, dames and chaplains in the Order, along with 80,000 volunteers and 25,000 medical employees.