do you understand the electricity reselling rackett?
people buy energy at low costs and then sell it back at higher cost. It's really very fraudulent, and it's an insiders rackett.
maybe it's that?
look at the people who buy and sell what types of energy.
that's about all I know.
the other thing is that windturbines are a waste if there is no place to use or store the energy. Same with solar. The energy will just turn to heat.
So it's needs an infrastructure.
it needs long lines, transformers, substations. it needs customers to buy the energy. If you are collecting energy in the middle of nowhere and there is not anyone near by, it's a total waste because the transmission of it, down long power lines, will result in a loss.
so if they are producing huge amount of wind energy, how are they storing it?
if there is no nearby populatin, what are they doing with that energy?
is the whole thing a scam?
are they selling 'wind nodes' as a rackett and there is not real power being produced?
I can conjecture all day.