Anonymous ID: 3d73c3 April 3, 2019, 7:03 p.m. No.6039977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0196 >>0266 >>0336 >>0396 >>0463 >>0503 >>0633

What is being peddled as vaccines now are in fact biological weapons, that turn your immune system into a weapon against YOU. The purposes are profit and debilitation of an enemy, and that enemy is YOU. If you are going to destroy western civilization without actually shooting people with bullets, the best method is to take trusted institutions and use them to destroy people. It will take people decades to believe it actually happened and by then it will be too late. They are three decades into this now.

The shots are damaging everyone via various adjuvants that trick the body into attacking itself. The shots are hurting white males more than any other group, because in addition to the adjuvants, all those DNA tests everyone submitted to sites like 23 and me were combed for genetic traits that were specific to the exact groups the elite want destroyed most, and the vaccines have, in addition to the adjuvants, the exact materials needed in the presence of these adjuvants (squalene is becoming a main one now) to kick off the destruction a lot worse in white males. This is why boys are getting autism a lot more frequently than girls, and WHITE boys are getting it far more frequently than other boys. The affliction itself is not autism, it is nerve damage that manifests the traits of autism.


They are not sparing the adults anymore


All the vaccines except for the SINGLE SHOT tetanus are not as advertised, even the three shot tetanus shot is sabotage because tetanus has always been a single shot with no boosters. If you got a preventive tetanus shot with boosters despite not being injured, you did not get a tetanus shot at all and are not protected. The purpose of the tetanus shots with boosters is to prevent pregnancy.

Obviously "THEY" know they are on the verge of total and complete conquest. They have maimed 30 years of children. Not all are totally dysfunctional but NONE that got the shots are going to be what they could have been.


There is an antidote


They have a vaccine that can reverse the damage. As it turns out, the damage is 100 percent reversible, all you have to do is tell the immune system to stop destroying squalene. And this can be done via a secondary shot that tells the immune system to destroy the antibodies for squalene. Anyone that got such a shot would come out of a fog in about two weeks with proper nutrition. So once the elite can declare total victory, they can fix the right people with a shot and work them as slaves in positions they can't find the talent for among their own ranks. If we don't stop this NOW, and I mean RIGHT NOW, we are in for a hideous future, and your guns are not going to save you.

Anonymous ID: 3d73c3 April 3, 2019, 7:30 p.m. No.6040330   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I want everyone to “research” this for themselves, because it’s that important.


Great job anon


Everything is open source


Spread this far and wide for humanity’s sake.


May God bless you all!

Anonymous ID: 3d73c3 April 3, 2019, 7:45 p.m. No.6040525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0542 >>0560


Right, like these people are that


You think that these people have been able to get away with what they’ve gotten away with for over a few hundred years by being that stupid?


Sure they’ve been extremely careless and emboldened by their narcissism that they’ve completely exposed themselves, but that’s just part of the movie.


The real idiots are the ones who believe the movie is real…

Anonymous ID: 3d73c3 April 3, 2019, 7:55 p.m. No.6040646   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q and POTUS were installed to quell any uprising by manipulating Americans and instilling false hope, in order to siphon off the rest of the country’s wealth in service to their master in Israel, it’s so fucking obvious, you have to suffer from some hardcore cognitive dissonance to not see that one…lol

Anonymous ID: 3d73c3 April 3, 2019, 8 p.m. No.6040702   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I am referring to this country in particular, if you had an attention span greater than a puppy you might look at the post I referenced and com to that conclusion on your own, apparently your inflated ego got the best of you though, oh well that’s our society now…so be it