Anonymous ID: fdebea April 3, 2019, 7:02 p.m. No.6039967   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: fdebea April 3, 2019, 7:05 p.m. No.6040003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0022 >>0178 >>0402 >>0581 >>0623

Senators Demand Details On US Aid To Possible Saudi "Covert Nuclear Weapons Program"


The Trump administration has been sharing sensitive nuclear technology and energy information with the Saudis — an issue that's gained increased scrutiny since the Oct. 2 murder of journalist Jamal Kashoggi by a Saudi hit team at the consulate in Istanbul.


American lawmakers now want to get to bottom of it, and a group of senators have notified Energy Secretary Rick Perry to demand answers over how and why he allowed multiple US firms to provide Riyadh with potential nuclear secrets and information sharing typically only available to Washington's closest western allies. The Senators are also seeking answers regarding the kingdom's possible development of atomic weapons and the degree to which they've received any level of assistance from the United States.


Starting a week ago various media reports revealed that Perry had authorized so-called Part 810 approvals, which gave US companies authorization to share otherwise closely guarded nuclear information with Riyadh. Alarmingly, according to Reuters, the "approvals were kept from the public and from Congress." The approval had been reportedly given first in November 2017, which facilitated the transfer of “unclassified civil nuclear technology”.


It appears the Energy Department's defense will hinge on the necessity of leaving such information sharing programs private in order not to reveal “proprietary business information.” The department has further emphasized “no enrichment or reprocessing technology” was shared with Saudi Arabia.


Perry has also recently testified before Congress that countries like Saudi Arabia will go elsewhere, relying on unsavory actors like Russia and China, for help with nuclear energy if the US shuts the door on them.


However, in their letter Senate leaders have given Perry until April 10 to provide answers and details over just what information was shared.


Senators Bob Menendez and Marco Rubio wrote that the Saudis have engaged in “many deeply troubling actions and statements that have provoked alarm in Congress,” according to the letter seen by Reuters. The letter further said that the lack of what's called a 123 agreement with the kingdom prevents the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to license the export of nuclear material, equipment and components. Thus information sharing must meet with congressional approval, stated the letter.


“We are particularly concerned about this mechanism being used right now with Saudi Arabia,” the Senators wrote. They also voiced fears that Saudi Arabia could be pursuing a banned nuclear weapons program.

Anonymous ID: fdebea April 3, 2019, 7:07 p.m. No.6040035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0048 >>0178 >>0402 >>0581 >>0623

Collusion? Russians Gave $35 Million to Company with John Podesta on Board


Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager, John Podesta, played a central role in another potential Russian collusion scandal that has not yet been investigated.


Podesta, the former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton, served on the board of Joule Unlimited, a now defunct alternative energy company, from January 2011 to January 2014. He resigned from the company’s board to accept the powerful job of Counselor to President Barack Obama.


During Podesta’s tenure on the board of Joule Unlimited, a significant investment in the company by a firm owned by the Russian government escaped review and scrutiny by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS).


In September 2011, eight months after Podesta joined the board of Joule Unlimited, Rusnano, a venture capital fund wholly owned by the Russian government, announced it was investing one billion Russian rubles, $35 million, in the company, which accounted for 46 percent of the $75 million invested in it up to that time from its launch in 2007. Founders Afeyan Noubar and Dr. David Berry invested an estimated $10 million in the 2007 first round. The venture firm Noubar heads, Flagship Ventures – now known as Flagship Pioneering – led a second round investment of $30 million in 2010, as the Boston Globe reported.


Curiously, the CFIUS failed to initiate a review of the transaction despite statutory and administrative guidelines that any such transaction in which a foreign country or foreign company obtained more than a ten percent interest in an American company was reviewable.


“CFIUS has significant discretion to determine when a foreign entity has sufficient control to confer jurisdiction,” according to Overview of the CFIUS Process, a report prepared by the law firm Waltham & Lakins, a leading practitioner before CFIUS:


As a practical matter, the scope of CFIUS’ jurisdiction is often ambiguous. This ambiguity is illustrated by the one “safe harbor” explicitly established by CFIUS’ regulations, which provides that investments resulting in a foreign person having an ownership interest of 10% or less of the outstanding voting interests in the US business are not within CFIUS’ jurisdiction, if those investments are held “solely for the purpose of passive investment.”


While this formulation appears straightforward, a closer read reveals that the “passive” nature of the investment can be called into question in light of “other” facts deemed relevant by CFIUS — e.g., contractual or other arrangements between the foreign investor and the target. (emphasis added)



Anonymous ID: fdebea April 3, 2019, 7:08 p.m. No.6040048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0402 >>0581 >>0623



When the 2016 presidential election ended, senior company executives admitted the prospects for their renewable energy “biofuels” company evaporated. “We had a lot of prospects last year,” former Joule CEO Brian Baynes told BioFuels Digest in a rare interview in July. “But those new investor prospects walked away, particularly post-election.”


Dmitry Akhanov, the president and CEO of Rusnano USA Inc., a Kremlin-owned venture capital firm nicknamed “Putin’s child,” oversaw the Russian government’s investment in Joule and sat on its board along with two other Russians with ties to the Kremlin. Akhavov agreed that Clinton’s loss doomed the company.


“We lined up investors who were willing to buy the bonds, but after the elections, with some statements from the new administration regarding potential uncertainty, the future support of biofuels was stopped,” he told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview. “The company was not able to do the deal and it was one of the reasons why the company was closed.”


Akhanov confirmed to TheDCNF his company invested and lost 1 billion rubles, worth $35 million when Joule closed its doors.


According to the 2012 CFIUS annual report, there were no “covered transactions” from Russian companies reviewed in 2011, although a total of 111 other transactions that year were identified as “covered transactions,” including 25 from the UK, 14 from France, and ten from China.


Throughout Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State from January 2009 to February 2013, Russian investments in American technology and related companies did not receive a great deal of attention from CFIUS.


In calendar year 2009, for instance, 65 “covered transactions” were reviewed by CFIUS. Not one was from a Russian Federation company. (Source: CFIUS 2012 Annual Report to Congress) Of these 65 reviewed transactions, five notices were withdrawn prior to the commencement of an investigation, 25 investigations were undertaken, and two notices were withdrawn after investigations commenced. In total seven of the 65 “covered transactions” were withdrawn, reported.


In calendar year 2010, 93 “covered transactions” were reviewed by CFIUS during 2010, four from Russia. All four were approved. (Source: CFIUS 2012 Annual Report to Congress). Of these 93 reviewed transactions, six notices were withdrawn prior to the commencement of an investigation, 35 investigations were undertaken, and six notices were withdrawn after investigations commenced. In total 12 of the 93 “covered transactions” were withdrawn, reported.



Anonymous ID: fdebea April 3, 2019, 7:12 p.m. No.6040100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0127 >>0132 >>0178 >>0402 >>0581 >>0623

Papadopoulos: Mueller investigated Israel ties, not Russian ones


"What I was really targeted for by the Mueller team and these individuals has nothing to with Russia, it has to do with my work in Israel," he told Army Radio.


George Papadopoulos, formerly an aide to US President Donald Trump's campaign for president, said he was never questioned by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team with regard to Russia, only work related to Israel, calling it the "key" to his case.


"What I was really targeted for by the Mueller team and these individuals has nothing to with Russia, it has to do with my work in Israel and my work, actually, as an energy lobbyist," he told Army Radio in an interview broadcast on Sunday.


"I never met a single Russian official in my entire life, even on the Trump campaign. All these characters in my story that were described falesly by the FBI and Bob Mueller to be Russians were, in fact, Western intelligence operatives that were sent to try and sabotage the Trump campaign."


Papadopoulos, who was plucked out of obscurity to work as a foreign policy adviser for Donald Trump's presidential run, pleaded guilty in October 2017 to lying to the FBI about his communications with two Russian nationals and a Maltese professor with Russian ties while working on the campaign.


In his book, "Deep State Target: How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump," Papadopoulos claims he was duped into pleading guilty and says his admitted lies were memory lapses and unintentional.


"I believe it's a total vindication for both the campaign, the transition team and the current administration," he told Army Radio of US Attorney General William Barr's report on the Mueller report. "And what I do believe is going to happen now is I think this vindication is going to result in new investigation into those who committed this unlawful, unjustful witch hunt, as the president calls it."


Under his plea deal, Papadopoulos acknowledged that Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese academic, told him in April 2016 that Russia had "dirt" on then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, three months before hacked emails started appearing online and doing damage to the Clinton campaign.

Anonymous ID: fdebea April 3, 2019, 7:18 p.m. No.6040179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Operation Mockingbird Never Ended: At a Council on Foreign Relations forum about fake news, former Editor at Time Magazine Richard Stengel directly states that he supports the use of propaganda on American citizens.


Watch Richard Stengel openly support using propaganda on the American public. He’s currently employed as an on-air analyst for MSNBC. He worked as managing editor of Time magazine from 2006-2013, and served as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs under Obama where he led “counter disinformation efforts”. He’s also a Distinguished Fellow at the Atlantic Council.

Anonymous ID: fdebea April 3, 2019, 7:26 p.m. No.6040273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0357 >>0388 >>0402 >>0581 >>0623

Lavrov certain Cuban Missile Crisis will not be repeated due to events in Venezuela


If there is an attempted military intervention, the overwhelming majority of Latin American countries will be adamantly opposed to that, Russia’s top diplomat said


MOSCOW, April 3. /TASS/. The situation in Venezuela will not result in another Caribbean crisis in relations between Russia and the United States, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets daily posted on its website on Wednesday.


"I don’t think that the Caribbean crisis will be repeated now," he said. "Even those countries, which formed the so-called Lima Group and argue that the only way out of the Venezuelan crisis are snap elections preceded by President Nicolas Maduro’s resignation, became perplexed as soon as the US began saying that all options were on the table hinting at military intervention."


"I guarantee that, if there is an attempted military intervention, the overwhelming majority of Latin American countries will be adamantly opposed to that and reject that policy," Russia’s top diplomat added.


Venezuela must choose its development path on its own, Lavrov went on to say. "The fact that Nicolas Maduro agreed to hold talks with [opposition leader] Juan Guaido and his team in response to an appeal from Mexico, Uruguay and the Caribbean Community, and Guaido rejected the mediators’ appeal, speaks volumes," he stressed.


According to Lavrov, the United States does not want Venezuela to reach national consensus. "It wants its puppet who will do everything they [the Americans] will tell him, primarily regarding oil, to rule the country," he added.

Anonymous ID: fdebea April 3, 2019, 7:28 p.m. No.6040304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0402 >>0581 >>0623

Algerian Constitutional Council declares presidency vacant


On Tuesday, Abdelaziz Bouteflika steped down after more than a month of popular unrest


CAIRO, April 3. /TASS/. Algeria’s Constitutional Council has declared the presidency vacant, Sky News Arabia reported.


The Constitutional Council’s meeting was held under Article 102 of the country’s constitutio, which says that "in case of the president’s resignation or death, the Constitutional Council holds a meeting and announces that the president’s post is vacant." After it is done, the parliament appoints the president of the Council of the Nation (the upper house of parliament) as the country’s interim president who will not be able to run for president. Under Algerian laws, he will be able to serve as interim president for no longer than 90 days. A presidential election needs to be held within that period.


Abdelkader Bensalah, the current President of the Council of the Nation, has become Algeria’s interim president.

Situation in Algeria


Abdelaziz Bouteflika, 82, served as Algerian president between 1999 and 2019. In early February, the country’s ruling National Liberation Front nominated him to run the April 18 presidential election. The second member of the pro-presidential alliance, the Democratic National Rally party, supported the decision. The initiative triggered mass protests in the country. The poor health condition of Bouteflika is one of the reasons behind the protests.


On March 3, Bouteflika’s official statement was released, in which he said that if elected, he would call an early presidential election, refraining from taking part in it. He also pledged to arrange a nation-wide referendum to adopt a new constitution.


However, the leading opposition parties and movements rejected the president’s initiative.


On March 11, Bouteflika withdrew his bid for a fifth term in office and postponed the election. On April 2, Bouteflika informed the Constitutional Council about his decision to step down as the head of state. "I made this decision consciously and of my own free will, seeking to calm the hearts and souls of my fellow countrymen and let them work together to help Algeria progress towards a better future, which is their legitimate desire," Bouteflika said in his message.

Anonymous ID: fdebea April 3, 2019, 7:31 p.m. No.6040342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Will the UK Continue to Launch Strikes Against ISIS in Syria?


On Saturday (23 March) the Syrian Defence Force announced that ISIS’ last stronghold, the small town of Baghuz on the banks of the Euphrates, had been captured. With that, ISIS’ so-called Caliphate was at an end.


When British MPs voted for resolutions supporting strikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, these had specific aims. Firstly, in 2014, strikes were authorised to aid Iraqi security and then in 2015, to eliminate ISIS’ safe haven in Syria. Now, more than four years later, Iraq has declared victory over ISIS, and the so-called ‘safe haven’ for ISIS has been removed


Over the weekend however, British ministers have been quick to insist that the battle goes on. In a clearly coordinated message, both British and US Defence Secretaries argued that while the caliphate is over, the ideology remains. British Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson, wrote in The Telegraph:


“We cannot say this fight is over. The terrorists are as much an evil ideology as a geographical entity. We’ve always known that cutting off one head of the snake could lead to others springing up elsewhere. We’re painfully aware of the threat these extremists still pose whether to Iraq, the wider region or to our own shores.


And lest his intent to launch air strikes wherever deemed necessary was not clear enough, he went on:


As I said to RUSI recently, a Global Britain must to be ready to intervene, using all the hard power at our disposal to defend the international rules-based system.


Meanwhile, acting US Defence Secretary Patrick Shanahan welcomed the “critical milestone,” but warned that “our work is far from complete. We will continue our work with the global coalition to deny Islamic State safe haven anywhere in the world,”


It may be true of course to say that the ideology remains and that ISIS will continue to launch attacks despite the loss of territory. However, it is far from clear whether continuing air strikes by US and British drones and other aircraft will do anything to weaken such an ideology. Likely just the opposite.


Despite some making bellicose noises, it is not clear at this point whether British drones and other aircraft will continue to launch strikes now the ISIS has lost its territory. But efforts to stretch four-year old parliamentary resolutions to legitimise air strikes against an ideology – perhaps even beyond Iraq and Syria – would be laughed at if politicians and the public were not so distracted by Brexit. Some, thankfully, are paying attention. Last month, shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry insisted in the House of Commons that MPs did not vote for an open-ended military commitment and that once ISIS has lost their territory, “the 2015 mandate for military action will need to be renewed if our engagement in Syria is going to continue.”


While the US has long deemed itself to be in a global war on terrorism, the UK – along with most of the international community and international law experts – has taken a different view. Attempts by some ministers to join the US in a boundary-less war on an ideology – no matter how abhorrent – must be resisted. British drones and other aircraft should now cease launching air attacks and the UK should instead turn its attention to aiding post-conflict stabilisation and reconstruction in region.