Anonymous ID: 168c43 April 3, 2019, 9:35 p.m. No.6041659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1749

>>6041572 I'm in my mid sixties now. When I was a kid there were no measels vaccinations. Every kid got measels, in fact, mothers would make sure their kids got German measles before they reached puberty so that they would have immunity when they were old enough to become pregnant since if a woman gets German measles during pregnancy the baby can have serious problems. As I said, we all got measles. Very few kids died from them, and those who did, it was usually because of a reaction to aspirin given to combat the fever. We have alternative fever reducers now. The whole measles vaccine hype is a con by Big Pharma to make more money, and by the deep state to poison our kids with another vaccine full of neurotoxic mercury.