Anonymous ID: 728250 April 3, 2019, 10:18 p.m. No.6042023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2029 >>2044 >>2056 >>2076 >>2079 >>2085 >>2087 >>2096 >>2122 >>2202

>>6013754 pb update part 1

Trump holds first 'MAGA' rally since Mueller report


POTUS Grand Rapids Michigan Rally 3 28 2019

Keywords: Donald Trump, Rally, POTUS, Grand Rapids Michigan, March 3 2019, President


Still trying to learn the comms. I have added many sections, and refined others. Again, I had to cut the decode into pieces to post it. It took me hours to go over just this one speech, but I learned a lot.


On the surface, it is Trump's self-promoting overview of his work so far, and a really good pep rally.


Another message within the speech seems to point to General Motors and their CEO, Mary Barra.


I noticed Trump's scattered use of numbers counting up 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8… He doesn't seem to go past 8. I don't know what that might mean.


Does anyone know who Bill is, with regards to the VA? 46? Still lots of questions.


If you noticed other things, or have other interpretations, please reply and add them! I will keep updating and re-posting as long as there is value added.


Here are some things that caught my interest. I remember some of these things from other rallies, which makes them stand out even more to me. Information in parenthesis is my personal speculation.


@3:13 America's heartland. (Midland Modeling Agency? )


@3:17 Hardworking patriots from the great state of Michigan. By the way, we're bringing a lot of those car companies back. Remember I told you, they're coming back. They're pouring back in. (This is 197 seconds. 197 = General Motors, High Priestess.)


@13:00 They know it's not true. Their ratings dropped through the floor last night. Did you see that? Gestures Air “S,” then Air backwards “Z.”

(Backwards “Z” could be a pointed “S.” Making a point. Pointy-headed satanists? 13 = CIA CIA-controlled media tanks in the ratings?)


@13:42 Single greatest hoax in the history of politics in our country


@13:55 They have to be accountable.

(Satanists or satanic journalists committed a hoax and have to be held accountable.)


@14:00 Lock her up! (Spontaneous cheer.)


@15:15 Russia

(Russia = 87 = Clinton)


@16:00 I go up to Wisconsin. Where she didn't go. You better get up there, darlin'. (Wisconsin was also highlighted that same day in a twitter account link Q dropped. That account holder said she would be watching the rally from Wisconsin.)


@17:00 Michigan, they had so many of those damn signs. Signs. 4 knocks, then 2 knocks. (The sign is 4 knocks, then 2 knocks) (4, 2)


Bill Clinton did not like the signs. This was my last stop.


@18:00 I can't have more than this. Every seat is gone. Outside you have 25,000 people.

(All seats now gone. I have all the seats filled with my people. (Since y=25) The Y families are outside—no seats for them.)


@18:22 She's got 500 people. I had 32,000 people. Outside. 1:00 am speech, had made 6 speeches, last second. Why am I going to lose Michigan? She's here at primetime. 7:30. (Primetime is referenced @48:02 in relation to sadists and veterans and Bill.) Home 4am, spoke1am.

(Ignoring the code possibilities for a second, this section of the speech highlights how disparate the voting results and the apparent popular support for Trump seem to be. He had around 64 times the people at his rally that night, but he won MI by 0.23%, less than 1%. He should have won by a margin of at least 6400%, considering how inconvenient it was for his crowd to wait until 1 am.)


@20:25 We ran the East coast. (25 = Y)

@20:41 306 to 223

@20:55 There is no way to 270. Red board. We got 306.

(270 = The Son Of The Creator Comes, For The Greater Glory Of God, Trump Is The Antichrist (to them he is!))

(306 = Is The Name Who Destroys Draco, I Will Expose All You Devils, And The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth)

(223 = Babylonian Brotherhood, Symbol Of Rothschild, also mirror of 322, Skull and Bones)


@22:15 They spied on me.


@22:47 They came from the valleys, they came from the mountains, they came out of the damn rivers-I don't know what you were doin' in the river. They came from the cities. They came and they came, and they didn't even know these (newsmedia) existed.


@24:00 You're the elite. (Pointing at camera audience.) Elite are smart, loyal, tough,


@25:00 Jeanine, Jeanine, Jeanine. Jeanine is back. (She is a friend.)

(Judge Jeanine Pirro, Fox News Host? Jeanine = 58. Time = 25 min = Y families. Who is the Jeanine of the Y families? Jeanine Pepler, Sag Harbor, NY, publicist, suicided June 2018? Is her information, whatever they suicided her for, returning to haunt them?) We have a lot of support.


@25:25 The voters that pulled that handle, or whatever the hell they're pulling, they're pulling it for us.

(Support = Pulling their weight? 25 = Y, Pi, FEMA, Mecca, A Cat) (25:25 = Y vs Y?)


@25:45 Drain. The. Swamp.

Anonymous ID: 728250 April 3, 2019, 10:19 p.m. No.6042029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2044 >>2079 >>2087 >>2096 >>2122 >>2202 >>2244

>>6042023 part 2

@25:45 Drain. The. Swamp.

(25:45 = Y vs Trump) Trump has a lot of support! Far more than you think. (inter-dimensionals or off-planets? Insider defectors/white hats?) The voters! (No contest!)


@26:07 Democrats…defrauding the public with Ridiculous Bullshit…

(Ridiculous Bullshit = 234 = Feeding Off The Hearts Of Men, Dinosaur Extinction, You Get What You Need)


@26:21 …partisan investigations, or “way-ther” they will…

(deliberately mis-pronounces whether? Way-there? Weigh-there? Missing H like >>6014581?)


@26:45 China, China, China. @26:54 We want them to be happy and healthy.


@26:47 We are building that wall. (repeats) “Build That Wall” cheer. Not quite spontaneous. He invited them to cheer with his repetition this time.)


@27:35 We had to go down a little bit of a Different Path…(Gesture like a snake made from high to low or top to bottom, is descending air “S” with an extra cupping motion at the end) but that's okay. National Emergency it is. (Yoda, is that you?) Hundreds of thousands of people are trying to invade our country.


@28:20 Renovated, renovated, renovated, for 25 cents on the dollar.

(25 = Y families. Note: Trump also said he built the embassy in Jerusalem for 25 cents on the dollar, which also places Y in that embassy discussion.)


@29:03 Have to come in legally, and based on merit.


@29:38-30:16 It's getting to be that time. Very important. MAGA Country. Chicago. May be the only time I've ever agreed with the Mayor of Chicago. (time = 30-ish?)


@30:40 Bill Huiszenga, R-MI-2, John Moolenaar ?-MI-?, Jack Bergman, ?-MI-1


@31:47 Breaking news. Very deep, record deepness. Full funding, $300 million for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative


@ 32:05 over 30 years, it's time, it's time, it's time

(So time = 30?)


@32:22 It's time.


@32:30 This one we've already pretty much Locked Up. Soo Locks. We're very close to finishing that one off.


@33:25 Lee Chatfield, speaker of the Michigan House, GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, Ronna McDaniel, MI RC, now RNC (Is Lee Chatfield = Y?)


@34:50 Been with me since the beginning. Stanley Chara, Big Beautiful Buildings in Manhattan. He loves you.


@35:16 We've had people you wouldn't believe. We've had a lot of support.


@35:20 embarked on 2 year economic revival. America now hottest economy on planet Earth, nobody close


@35:48 Stock market up 50%, geniuses, darling, up 67%, 401K


@36:29 Wanna see 'em deflate? Put a good socialist in this position.


@36:49 5.5 million new jobs since election


@36.56 including 600K brand new mfg jobs, you'd need a magicwand, more than in 21 years.

(21 = ?)


@37:52 people made more money 21 years ago working 1 job. Wages rising, jobs choice


@ blue collar jobs grew at fastest rate in 30 years. Unemployment lowest rate in 51 years.


@40:00 Donald Trump will not do well with women. @40:55 New jobs filled by 60% women


@42:45 USA is now world's #1 gas and oil producer. Russia not happy about that.

(USA now #1 in energy? Clinton = Russia )


@42:15Wind, wind, wind. The wind is not blowing. You can't watch TV if the wind is not blowing.

(Windbags not talking on TV anymore? Wind would have been Hilary's green energy program. So green energy, like Soylent Green? No satanic energy flowing from human trafficking?)


@42:45 Passed massive tax cuts. No more death tax/estate tax for farms and small businesses.

(No more human sacrifice to collect the energy the human generates at death?)


@43:56 Obamacare Individual Mandate Penalty now eliminated, (HUGE POP FOR THIS) We have a chance Obamacare to be dismantled by Supreme Court later.


@44:44 Republicans will become the party of great healthcare.


@45:00 Options


@45:38 Lie 28 times you can use your doctor. Obama told this lie 28 times.

(28 = ?)


@45:50 7K average deductible

(7 = G)


@46:00 Who cares about the deductible? Let's see if I can live.

(46 = Dead Again? General Motors trying to live? Is Trump trying to signal that he's trying to live, and be president until it's time for # 46 to take over? Trying to survive assassination attempts? Is G-7 dead? Big reveal at the 46th G-7 conference in 2020?) (46 = Chicago, Magical, Hacker…)


@46:49 2018, drug prices saw their first decline in 46 years.

(46 = ?)

Anonymous ID: 728250 April 3, 2019, 10:22 p.m. No.6042056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2079 >>2087 >>2096 >>2122 >>2202 >>2244

>>6042023 part 3


@46:49 2018, drug prices saw their first decline in 46 years.

(46 = ?)


Even Stanley/Stan Lee likes that.

(46 = ? Stan Lee is Marvel comics and Marvel superhero movie producer. Died last year at age 95.)

Trying to get VA choice for over 40 years.


@48:02 For 46 years, VA accountability. Sadists in the VA; rough, wouldn't have hit them in prime time; hit, stole, robbed.

(Wouldn't do it at primetime = 7:30 = July 30? Wouldn't have wanted to take on that vet when he or she was serving at his or her prime? Primetime TV reference? 46 = Dead Again?)


@48:45 Passed 7 months ago today. Can now be fired. Accountability. You hurt our vets, you stole from us. Guess what, Bill? You're fired. (Bill? DoVA Chief of Staff Vivieca Wright resigned, Secretary of DoVA David Shulkin was fired. Who is Bill? Are we talking about previous, or something outside the VA here? Bill passed 7 months ago today. Bill Clinton executed?)


@49:05 criminal justice reform


@49:58 Democrat signs resist. Hand sign.


@ 50:27 100 Trillion $ government takeover, called “The Green New Deal” No aeroplanes, no cows, one car per family. (Aero?)


@52:10 Hawaii senator vicious about justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh


@53:18 They want to rip down all the buildings in Manhattan and rebuild them. Stanley.

(order out of chaos plan?)


@53:37 Pocahantas knocked out of race. Too early. Gotta start 9 mos from now.

(Pocahantas does the 9 month baby ritual?)


@54:10 Lost 1 in 4 auto mfr jobs I think it was worse than that. I think you know it was worse than that. (So he's telling us We know this figure isn't “real.” It's code. 1 in 4 = 25%, Y families caused this?)


@54:32 after election, First meeting was a meeting with car executives


@55:08 added 6,000 vehicle mfg and auto parts jobs


@55:38 Mexico has the toughest immigration laws in the world. We have the worst. Catch and release. Visa lottery.


@56:40 Good thing about the rush to the border, if Mexico doesn't stop them it's going to cost them a hell of a lot of money. If they don't we will close the damn border. (HUGE POP FOR THIS!)


@57:03 “Build that wall!” cheer Mexico took about 30% of your car business. If we close the border those cars are not coming in. (So 1 in 4 WAS code, not an actual figure. Is 30 also code? Earlier in the speech, “It's time” was associated with “30 years” So 30 has to do with time? 30 months? 30-25- 5 years? Deliberately closing the border long enough to force our auto factories to rebuild in the USA, and blaming it on Obrador for allowing and facilitating the immigrant caravans? Thus, USING the immigrant caravans to our advantage! Thank you Soros! What a maestro. GO TRUMP!)

Anonymous ID: 728250 April 3, 2019, 10:26 p.m. No.6042076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2087 >>2096 >>2122 >>2202

>>6042023 part 4


@57:58 Biggest threat to US auto industry was Trans Pacific Partnership - Job killing, sovereignty wrecking. Withdrew, stop offshoring jobs. NAFTA, one of the worst trade deals in history of world – thing of the past, soon. In past US had surplus with Mexico about $50 Billion. In last 6-7 years we lost $100 billion dollars to Mexico. Going to USMCA or Pre-NAFTA.


@59:38 doubled USA auto exports to Korea


@59:55 Chicken tax/tariff 25% on small pick-up trucks. Your best market. Two rules. Buy American. Hire American. (I am just about positive that Trump talking to General Motors, here)


@1:00:35 55,000 auto and auto parts jobs, Fiat Chrysler $4.5 billion investment in MI. 1st new plant in Detroit in over a generation, FC to invest $13.5 billion in USA.


@1:01:15 Ford $1 Billion just outside Chicago, $900 million in MI


@1:03:30 GM little disappointed. $300 million investment Orion assembly, MI. Fighting GM and UAW. Need to open Hamtramck, Warren, MI, and Lordstown, OH. Get them open now. GM went to China and Mexico before my time. Have a lot of investments over there. (Here is my guess: GM is committed to their foreign and overseas plants. They are not coming back voluntarily. They are offering 1/45th of the investment in our country that another of the top three auto makers in our country is now planning. That is why I have to starve them out in their foreign and overseas plants with the Mexican border closure and 25% tariffs on their best-selling light pickups. I picked that number

because the Y families helped them leave. They are reluctant to return and deal with the UAW. They claim they are just trying to stay alive, but I think they are also trafficking drugs like fentanyl in a triangle from China to Mexico to the USA. Since GM is playing chicken with me, I am calling the light truck tariff the chicken tax. I will close the border if I have to, and keep it closed until GM comes to their senses. That move would be my last stop. Amiright, anons??)


@1:03:04 76,000 illegal immigrants arrived at our borders last month to be apprehended. Border Patrol, ICE, Great American Patriots (GAP? Border Patrol and ICE need help to close the gap? We still have a gap with the multi/inter-dimensional invaders?)


@1:03:17 They'll say, “How dare he say that?” (1 hour, 197 seconds. 197 = General Motors, High Priestess.)


@1:03:55 on track for 1 million illegal immigrants invasion this year 300 Americans a week die from Mexican trafficked heroin. Heroin, cocaine, meth, fentanyl.


@1:04:34 78,000 people died, and that's a number that's much, much smaller than the real number (So 78 is code? We are still counting up, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…)


@1:04:38 Declared a national emergency on our Southern border.


2 weeks ago, First Veto. 2 days ago, republicans support wall


@1:06 next 2 weeks going to a certain place to show you wall.

(2, 2, 2)

Anonymous ID: 728250 April 3, 2019, 10:27 p.m. No.6042085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2092 >>2122 >>2184 >>2202 >>2244

>>6042023 part 5


@1:06 1 for 1

(1, 1)


@1:07 “Four more years!” Cheer Voters, we did it together.


@1:08 Next campaign, instead of promising 5.5 million new jobs, and bringing back 600,000 mfg jobs, I can point to what I already did (5, 5 1/2, 6)


@1:09:07 Because they have caused the border crisis. (1, 9, 7. 197 = General Motors, High Priestess)


@1:09:34 (exactly 17 mins to go) AMNESTY! Lawyers. Say the following phrase, “I am afraid for my life.” It's a big fat con job. (Amnesty = 97= Marry Barra = Fentanyl. Mary is supporting amnesty. Should she be afraid for the life of GM?)


@1:11:03 What's coming into our country is dangerous.


@1:11:15 Right now 4,000 troops southern border. Defending borders 6,000 miles away. (46 again? 46 = Dead Again)


@1:12:17 Last 2 years, ICE officers 266,000 arrests of criminal aliens 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, 4,000 kidnappings, 4,000 murders (2, 2, 6, 6, 1, 3, 4, 4. = 28?)


@1:13:34 America sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not for criminal aliens. MS-13 sickest, most demented, worst people in the world. (MS-13 @ 1:13—double 13s gives emphasis here? Is MS-13 a CIA-spawned, CIA-trained, and CIA-controlled terrorist organization? 13 + 13 =26? or 13 + 13 = CIA + MS13?)


@1:14:42 Late term abortions, post birth executions.


@ Republican American worker, American family, American dream.


@1:17:00 American Military more powerful than ever before.

(Q is stronger than ever before)


@1:17:09 Withdrew USA from Iran nuclear deal


@1:17:36 Opened US embassy in Jerusalem, days ago recognized Israel's sovereignty over Golan Heights


@1:17:57 recognize legitimate Venezuela free of socialism and Maduro

(did not name a leader he would recognize, just the nation)


@1:18:30 We believe in the American Constitution, rule of law, dignity of work, sanctity of life, faith and family are the true American way, we believe in religious liberty, the right to free speech, right to keep and bear arms. (HUGE CROWD POP FOR KEEP AND BEAR ARMS!) (This reads like almost like a profession of faith. He is paraphrasing the Constitution and bits of the Bill Of Rights to us. DOES THIS MEAN he intends to abolish the corporation of the USA government, and cleave to the constitution?)


@1:19:47 (The crowd sure hopes so! He recited the constitution to them, and they went WILD!) “USA! USA! USA!” (Yet. Another. Spontaneous. Cheer. These people would follow him over a cliff.)


@1:20:12 National Motto: “In God We Trust.” These are the values that unite us.


@1:21:00 You rejected the failed political establishment. You stood up to corrupt special interests, the rigged Washington power structure. You stood with me. You will be proud that you did it. You took


@1:22:06 “Trump! Trump! Trump!” (Spontaneous cheer.) You took back your country. You recaptured your destiny and reclaimed your freedom. You have always been loyal to your nation, and now you have a president who is loyal to you.


@1:23: I am fighting for you. For your life, your community, with everything that I have, and I will never, ever stop. We are winning so big, nobody ever thought it could happen.


@1:23:28 We are going to stand for justice, for safety, for sovereignty, and for the sacred rights given to us by the hand of almighty God. We are one United States Of America. (Paraphrasing from the ideas of the Declaration of Independence. THIS IS OBVIOUS STUFF TO SAY. SO IT SUDDENLY HITS ME, WHY HAS NO PRESIDENT EVER SAID OR DONE IT BEFORE?)


@1:24:30 We will make America wealthy, safe, strong again.


@1:24:46 We will Make America Great Again. (46 seconds, 46 again? 46 = Dead Again?)