Doug, Travis and his tag team every Bread.
Then they run to Twatter and say 8 ch and Q is Anti-Semitic and must be banned and point to posts They Posted!
See how that works? Pure Scum
Doug, Travis and his tag team every Bread.
Then they run to Twatter and say 8 ch and Q is Anti-Semitic and must be banned and point to posts They Posted!
See how that works? Pure Scum
Hang in there it’s a slow roll for the sleepers.
The average American we can have a hard time digesting so many people being indicted and arrested for a crimes they committed. It is going to happen and even after 2 yrs Many are still going to be shocked, that’s the problem we’re up against
Fuck Off scum
Your the Jew commie
I find it fascinating that it’s for the Jews that are posting to hate the Jews so they can say we hate the Jews, what a joke
So glad you see this. All the troops from Afghanistan need to come home right now we need to secure the border and get as many assets as possible back in America before this starts to prevent it or be ready for the fight. I never thought I’d say this in my lifetime but this is a dangerous situation that nobody is talking about
World War III is Brewing in our backyard and the Democrats are cheering it on.
George Bush abandoned South America in his quest after nine and one to take out seven Arabic nations and the Russians moved in and now the Chinese. The Monroe Doctrine stated the western hemisphere would never allow any Foreign Entity to dominate And George Bush and Barack Obama let South America turn communist and engage with Iran Russia and China. Now here we are with the war potential he our own backyard.
Who do you think all the millions of illegal aliens and the millions of Muslims over 8yrs Obama brought in from Countries we bombed are going to side with?
That’s their plan. This is Real.
Trump is being Tested.
N. Korea is watching.
Aka the DemonRats