If youre going to kill somebody, can you please make it somebody "bigger?" Thanks.
CHP = Gestapo
Unusual fetish.
He actually said "Staaaaaph Pooty!"
People seem very proud of their corporate war service. On behalf of Raytheon, the CIA, and Northrop, we thank you.
Theyre too busy hunting down and killing internet anons to get a job.
You fought for the Central Banks. Wake the fuck up. Search for Smedley Butler.
Soldiers have been fighting for the Central Banks, not the Constitutional Republic. Our freedoms arent in Sandniggerland.
Those who run drugs and guns also run children.
Pelosi certified him eligible in all 50 states. Based on what documentary evidence? That is my question the next time I bump into Nancy in SF.
No, I have a doctorate and order around people better than you. Youre suffering from govt indoctrination. You worked for the Central Banks, wake up.
Yes, I agree you are a fucktard in caps. You should always sign off like that.
Acually, I have a doctorate and I've known all this stuff for about 30 years. you could learn a lot from me, but youre prob too egotistical, caught in your own past, and generally ignorant. Not that I care. I dont redpill half-normie.
The CIA payoff must have been large.