Anonymous ID: ee917f April 4, 2019, 3:28 a.m. No.6043269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3284 >>3308

An interesting compilation of articles that I found while digging Who was BO's mentor crumb.

The General Motors article puts a whole lot in perspective.

Hussein's take over GM bailout looks like a lifetime goal of his

As we saw during the GM dig, he installed his cronies in GM leadership who moved all manufacturing to China and went full blast on electric cars. After reading anon's impressive speech decode, there's clearly been a spotlight on GM by POTUS. It would be just like Hussein to turn "GM Hitlers" into fentanyl mule vehicles.



What Obama's Mentor Thought About General Motors

>By Paul Kengor


>August 1, 2012

When Obama arrived in Chicago to find himself professionally and politically—just as Frank Marshall Davis himself had once done in the 1930s—Obama literally visualized Davis, pictured him. He thought first of “Frank.”


Unfortunately, Obama left out some salient facts about Frank Marshall Davis. Among them, Davis joined Communist Party USA in Chicago during World War II (his Party number was 47544). He became extremely active in Party circles and even wrote for and was the founding editor-in-chief of the Communist Party publication there, the Chicago Star. He left Chicago in 1948 for Hawaii, where he would write for the Party publication there, the Honolulu Record. Those writings reveal a man fully loyal to the Soviet Union and the Communist Party line, and often bare an uncanny resemblance to Obama’s own rhetoric, whether Davis was bashing Wall Street, big oil, big banks, corporate executives and their “excess profits” and “greed” and their “fat contracts,” the wealthy and “millionaires,” GOP tax cuts that “spare the rich,” and on and on.


Particularly interesting, however, and worthy of the attention to readers of this publication, were Frank Marshall Davis’s writings incessantly demonizing General Motors.


In the Chicago Star, Davis and his comrades eviscerated GM every chance they had. The Star, for instance, mocked the claims of Winston Churchill—incidentally, Davis, like Obama, did not like Churchill—that an Iron Curtain was being erected by Stalin in Europe; to the contrary, the Star maintained that the only “Iron Curtains” were those being erected by the likes of General Motors. The problem was not Stalin’s Iron Curtain, scoffed Frank Marshall Davis in his usual incendiary language, but “G.M.’s iron curtain,” being raised by “General Motors’ Hitlers.” The Chicago Star carried headlines claiming that GM itself was a “branch of U.S. imperialism.”


Frank Marshall Davis saw GM as a sinister force, and was unrelenting in his anti-GM crusade for years to come. He was particularly indignant at GM’s profits, which he felt were too high. According to Davis, GM, like America as a whole, was good at manufacturing one thing: “we have manufactured a national horror of socialism.”

Anonymous ID: ee917f April 4, 2019, 3:33 a.m. No.6043284   🗄️.is 🔗kun


<highlighting fail


In the Chicago Star, Davis and his comrades eviscerated GM every chance they had. The Star, for instance, mocked the claims of Winston Churchill—incidentally, Davis, like Obama, did not like Churchill—that an Iron Curtain was being erected by Stalin in Europe; to the contrary, the Star maintained that the only “Iron Curtains” were those being erected by the likes of General Motors. The problem was not Stalin’s Iron Curtain, scoffed Frank Marshall Davis in his usual incendiary language, but “G.M.’s iron curtain,” being raised by “General Motors’ Hitlers.” The Chicago Star carried headlines claiming that GM itself was a “branch of U.S. imperialism.”


Frank Marshall Davis saw GM as a sinister force, and was unrelenting in his anti-GM crusade for years to come. He was particularly indignant at GM’s profits

Anonymous ID: ee917f April 4, 2019, 3:39 a.m. No.6043308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3313


Another article reviews Hussein's extensive communist connections. With the communists making an appeance in just about every dig, this article is a rabbit hole. Couple of snippets

Review: "Barack Obama and the Enemies Within"

>Wednesday, 12 September 2012

>by William F. Jasper

But the star-struck gumshoes of the MSM were not only completely AWOL during the 2008 campaign regarding Obama’s many troubling connections to radical and subversive groups and individuals, they have continued to ignore the steadily mounting, massive evidence of Barack Obama’s lifelong love affair with collectivism and his extensive ties to some of the most notorious activists of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the Committees of Correspondence (COC, a breakoff group of the CPUSA) the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Students for a Democratic Society (the radical SDS campus revolutionaries of the 1960s and 70s), the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), and the Weather Underground (WU). Worse yet, the corporate MSM commentariat have actively fronted for Obama, viciously attacking any investigators who dare to expose the facts concerning the ultra-left-wing background, agenda, and connections of President Obama and his mentors, appointees, advisers, and associates.

Much of the credit for breaking the media blackout on Barack Obama’s real political identity goes to Trevor Loudon of New Zealand, whose websites and have published reams of important information on Barack Obama, key activists in his administration, and the national network of labor unions, think tanks, academics, “community organizations,” and political operations that are crucial to moving his Marxist agenda. Loudon has laboriously unearthed hundreds of documents and thousands of published stories from establishment, communist, and leftist publications to “connect the dots” demonstrating the extensive subversive web of “Progressive” activists that propelled Obama to power.

If Frank Marshall Davis had been a single, aberrant influence in Barack Obama’s life, the ho-hum, “so what?” attitude of the political chattering classes regarding this fact might be more understandable, though still not acceptable. However, Comrade Davis represents only the tip of a very large iceberg. One of Davis’ Communist Party comrades and close personal friends was black journalist Vernon Jarrett. Davis and Jarrett were both elected officers of the Communist Party in Chicago and both worked together in many communist front groups. Jarrett is the father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett, who is described on the official Obama website as “a Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama. She is also the Chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls.”

Alice Palmer: Obama Mentor & Soviet Agent “In the mid-1990s,” writes Loudon, “Alice Palmer, an Illinois State Senator, employed Obama as her Chief of Staff when she attempted an ill-fated run for the US Congress.” He continues: Obama was part of Friends of Alice Palmer, alongside controversial property developer Tony Rezko and Democratic Socialists of America members US Repersentative Danny K. Davis, Betty Wilhoitte and Timuel Black (also a member of Committees of Corresondence).

Later Palmer introduced Obama as a designated successor to her Illinois State Senate seat in the living room of former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, while Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) member, former communist and longtime Obama friend Quentin Young looked on.

So, who was Alice Palmer, besides being an Illinois state senator? She and her husband, Edward “Buzz” Palmer, were longtime agents for the Soviet Union, serving as a key transmission belt for Soviet propaganda aimed especially at black Americans and Third World “people of color.” The Palmers were allowed privileged access to the Soviet Union, Cuba, and other communist countries in order to issue glowing reports on the glories of socialism for their Black Press Review, which Alice Palmer edited.

Anonymous ID: ee917f April 4, 2019, 3:40 a.m. No.6043313   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The List Goes On and On

However, Valerie Jarrett, Hilda Solis, Alice Palmer, Carol Browner, and Frank Marshall Davis are but a few of literally hundreds of people close to Obama, or prominent supporters of Obama, who should cause concern in any reasonable American. The most obvious individuals who should elicit alarm are those like Ayers and Dohrn, who were not mere “liberals” but self-described communists, who actually adopted the terrorist path. Now they are professors, unrepentant tenured radicals. Although they are the best-known hardcore radicals in Obama camp, they are far from unique. Other prominent Obamaites from the Weather Underground and the SDS include Jeff Jones, Todd Gitlin, Paul and Heather Booth, Mark Rudd, Tom Hayden, Mike Klonsky,(who I found on the Caravan dig) Wade Rathke, Carl Davidson, Marilyn Katz (WITCH dig), Thorne Dreyer, Angela Davis (Smollett dig), and David Hamilton.

But those entries don’t even scratch the surface. What about top Obama advisers David Axelrod, David Bonior, Cass Sunstein, John Holdren, Ron Bloom, Carol Browner, and Rosa Brooks? And what about Timuel Black, Sam Webb, Evalina Alarcon, Quentin Young, Jose Laluz, Pepe and Rudy Lozano (Caravan dig), Andy Stern, Libero Della Piana, Manning Marabel, Cornell West, Frank and Beatrice Lumpkin, Eliseo Medina, Barbara Ehrenreich? And let’s not forget Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Van Jones. What about the huge influence of the Democratic Socialists of America, Progressives for Obama, Peoples Weekly World (the CPUSA newspaper), Movement for a Democratic Society (a revival of the SDS for aging radicals), and radical left unions such as SEIU and AFSCME?