Anonymous ID: 5cc4fd April 4, 2019, 6:43 a.m. No.6044090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4156 >>4302 >>4496 >>4562

Report: Many Of CNN’s National Security ‘Experts’ Have Ties To Terror-Supporting Qatari Regime




April 3, 2019

As The Daily Wire has reported before, the Muslim Brotherhood-cozy regime of the tiny peninsular state of Qatar sponsors more high-profile global Sunni jihadist terror than just about any other country in the world. The infamously pro-Islamism state is, along with increasingly Islamist Turkey, one of the two chief contemporary bankrollers of extremist Sunni madrasas and insidious pro-Muslim Brotherhood academic sinecures alike. Qatar is infamous for its cozy ties with Hamas — and even with al-Qaeda. Last month, it was revealed that Qatari officials bribed FIFA to the tune of $880 billion in order to secure that the country would play host to the 2022 World Cup.


Now, according to a new report from Jordan Schachtel at Conservative Review, the Qatari regime's influence extends deeply within a potentially unlikely media source: CNN. Accoring to Schachtel's research, many of CNN's leading national security "experts" have subtle, undisclosed ties to the Qatari regime:


Several of the so-called national security experts at CNN that you see on television every night have direct links to the nation of Qatar, a terror-funding, Islamist enclave in the Middle East that has placed itself on the warpath against America’s most important regional allies.


But you would never know about these connections, because none of the CNN regulars disclose their financial and/or institutional ties to Qatar when they appear on the airwaves. And off air, they are also not forthcoming about their Qatar-backed connections. Even when it comes to discussing issues where they have a clear conflict of interest, such as commenting on Israeli, Saudi, or [United Arab Emirates] affairs, these CNN contributors have no issue going to bat against Qatar’s rivals…


As Schachtel notes, CNN recurring guest Ali Soufan has a "personal relationship" with Qatari governmental leadership and "is the executive director of the Qatar International Academy for Security Studies, which is based in Doha and funded by the Qatari regime." CNN recurring guest Mehdi Hasan, furthermore, is a "longtime presenter" for Al-Jazeera itself. Juliette Kayyem, a national security analyst for CNN, "is a board member of the the International Centre for Sport Security, a front group controlled by Qatar that is an influence operation to secure and defend Qatar’s 2022 World Cup bid." Finally, Peter Bergen, who does not have a direct link to a Qatari state institution, nonetheless "frequently lectures at Qatari-funded institutions such as Georgetown University Qatar," and has also "moderated a panel at the Doha Forum, which is held under the auspices of the Qatari regime."


CNN did not respond to Schachtel when he requested a comment.

Anonymous ID: 5cc4fd April 4, 2019, 6:49 a.m. No.6044150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4185 >>4226 >>4302 >>4496 >>4562



CNN quietly edited a national security analyst’s biography Wednesday after a report revealed she was a board member of a Qatari-funded organization.


The Conservative Review’s Jordan Schachtel reported Tuesday that several CNN contributors and guests have undisclosed ties to the Qatari government, which could influence their on-air coverage of Middle Eastern affairs. Juliette Kayemm, a national security analyst who is on contract with CNN, was listed by the network as of Wednesday as a board member of the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS). (REPORT: National Security Experts On CNN Have Ties To Qatar)…

Anonymous ID: 5cc4fd April 4, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.6044217   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They Should Have Been Schooled By Pelosi If They Were Gonna Steal From Their Campaign. AOC & Goofball


BUSTED: Beto and Wife Amy O’Rourke Paid $110,000 in Campaign Funds to a Company Either He or His Wife Owned

Anonymous ID: 5cc4fd April 4, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.6044234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4275 >>4360 >>4365 >>4633


Never Forget Anons


Pete Buttigieg: A Woman Cannot be Free Unless She Can Kill Her Baby in a Late Term Abortion — And Men Need to Stay Out of It (VIDEO)


Buttigieg also told Morning Joe that he agrees with the latest New York state abortion laws that allows women to murder their babies up to birth.

This is evil.



Anonymous ID: 5cc4fd April 4, 2019, 7:48 a.m. No.6044633   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think the creep just crashed all possibility of being elected. Wtf thinks women should kill the baby within their wombs to feel free…this is what satanists believe