Anonymous ID: b30735 April 4, 2019, 8:08 a.m. No.6044778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4935

666 is the number of a man and it is the number of his name.


In Hebrew all numbers are written out in words.


Any Hebrew letters which can add up to 666 and spell a valid name should be considered. How Hebrew letter math is calculated from John's point of view should also be considered.


In Hebrew most vowels are implied, consanants form the majority of the letters. Because of this there are additional potentials which should approximate Hebrew vowel pronunciation for the name to be resolved.

Assuming the name is not necessarily a Hebrew one we must use transliteration in order to include non-Hebrew potentials. Transliteration is a phonetic representation.


Additional variables to help narrow the choices will be the symbolic characteristics surrounding the Beast. For instance, worshipping the image of the Beast. This symbolic idea is carried out in all League of the Just systems as a God replacement tool where a human leaders image is identified as being the only praise worthy religeous figure.


Note: I have only considered English potentials.


ס ת ר ו

o r t s



From the letters above, with implied vowels added:




This is the last name of Barak Obama from his time in Indonesia as a young man.

Barry SoeToRo


Barak Obama is my primary candidate for the Beast of the UN. Additional criteria considered were his rumored attempt to become the leader of the UN.


UN Symbology:

Revelation 13:1

I saw a beast rising up out of the sea


The Beast is a political system. "Rising up out of the sea" implies a deriving of power from the sea, or a controlling of the sea. A lot of trade between countries today is carried out on the sea, any organization which becomes a regulator or an authority over trade between countries and is capable of enforcing those regulations is a candidate. The UN is the leading, if only candidate, in my opinion, for this role.


Land Based beast:


Revelation 13:11

I saw another beast coming up out of the earth


The symbology is a secondary supportive political system. This political system, land based, which derives its power through or along side of the UN, helping to enforce the UN's policies. Candidates for this role, are the EU and Ukraine, being land based political systems. They shouldalso have an effective military in order to be able to support the UN's agenda.


I have chosen Ukraine because it is the political stomping ground of George Soros and family and another name, which I have recently considered in the 666 code, is Soros, though I don't have a plausable reason for representing the S at the end of the name.


From the letters, with implied vowels added:


T. Soro


Tivedar Soro(s)

This is the name of George Soros' Father, deceased, and is also the name of his son.


I am unaware of Tivedar Soros's political aspirations but I assume he will continue his fathers work in promoting Ukraine.


There are two beasts and two leaders, one sea and one land. Both leaders names will be encoded as 666.


The Dragon gives its power to the 3 animals, the 3 animals give their power, to the leader/head (UN Leader). The UN is mortally wounded. How do you mortally wound the UN? Kick it out of the US. Without US funding and without a home it will be mortally wounded.