Anonymous ID: 740484 April 4, 2019, 3:03 p.m. No.6049679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9855 >>0071 >>0158

Hmm found this…


Insider Points to Vatican Operatives in Trump Overthrow Attempt


Betsy and Thomas of the American Intelligence Media review an email from a source claiming to be a Vatican insider who explains how Robert Mueller, Joseph Mifsud, and Stephan Roh are all Knights of Malta agents working to overthrow Donald J. Trump. Yes, we are telling you that globalist factions world-wide have been trying to take out the President of the United States.


Anonymous ID: 740484 April 4, 2019, 4:36 p.m. No.6050942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1467

British Attempt to Overthrow Donald Trump


The FBI/Privy Council appear much more skilled at Five Eyes NWO conspiracies & framing people than solving real crimes


This 9/11 pattern of accusation without evidence was repeated in the Russia hoax


The world press got their act together in lightning speed (under three weeks) on this massive story, with lots of made-for-TV details (ALL PROVEN LATER TO BE LIES)

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 7, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.6087349   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>educated or not


Thank goodness we're not all 'educated' - that's how they've been indoctrinating people through common purpose


Some of us 'ignorant' people still retain our God given common sense

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 7, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.6088343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8561 >>8859

I watched a youtube vid recently that said the (made-up) name 'Barack Obama' sounds like the Aramaic/Hebew translation of the words 'lightning from heaven'.


There is a verse in KJV Luke 10:18, in which Jesus says, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."



Anonymous ID: 740484 April 8, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.6097921   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The EU has offered the longer extension (9 months) to Article 50 to Mrs May, who is set to agree to it, meaning Brexit will be delivered around Christmas and the new year period.

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 8, 2019, 2:57 p.m. No.6100704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0726



The Iranian regime is the leading state sponsor of terror. It exports dangerous missiles, fuels conflicts across the Middle East, and supports terrorist proxies.


President Donald J. Trump


INCREASING MAXIMUM PRESSURE: President Donald J. Trump is holding the Iranian regime accountable by targeting the primary entity that carries out its global campaign of terror.


The Administration is designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) to counter Iran’s global campaign of terrorism.


The Trump Administration is taking this unprecedented step as part of a broader effort to counter Iran-backed terrorism around the world.


The Administration’s action will increase the financial pressure and isolation of Iran and deprive the regime of resources it uses for its terrorist activities.

This action puts other governments and the private sector on notice about the nature of the IRGC, which operates front companies and institutions around the world to fund terror.


The profits from what appear to be legitimate business deals can end up supporting the Iranian regime’s terrorist agenda.


This marks the first time that the United States has designated part of another government as a FTO.


The designation underscores that the Iranian regime’s use of terrorism makes it fundamentally different from any other government.


COUNTERING IRAN’S GLOBAL CAMPAIGN OF TERRORISM: The Iranian regime continues to engage in a campaign of terrorism around the world.


The Iranian regime employs terrorism as a central tool of its statecraft and uses the IRGC to direct and carry out its global terrorist campaign.

The IRGC provides funding, equipment, training, and logistical support to terrorist groups.

The IRGC has been directly involved in terrorist plots in numerous countries.

In 2011, the IRGC Qods Force plotted a brazen attack on the Saudi Ambassador to the United States in Washington, D.C., that was uncovered and thwarted.

IRGC Qods Force activity has been uncovered and disrupted in Germany, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Kenya, Bahrain, Turkey, and others.

The Iranian regime remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terror, spending nearly a billion dollars every year to support terrorism.

The regime provides funding to a number of terrorist groups, including Hizballah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Kata’ib Hizballah, al-Ashtar Brigades, and others.


PROTECTING AMERICA’S SECURITY: President Trump has taken action to address the full range of the regime’s malign activities and ensure it never obtains a nuclear weapon.


President Trump withdrew from the unacceptable Iran deal as it failed to protect America’s national security interests.

President Trump reimposed all sanctions lifted under the Iran deal and enacted the toughest sanctions regime ever imposed on Iran.

These sanctions help cut off revenues the regime uses to fund terrorism, promote global instability, fund nuclear and ballistic missile programs, and enrich its leaders.

The Administration has directed its actions against the Iranian regime—not the Iranian people, who are the regime’s longest suffering victims.

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 8, 2019, 3:30 p.m. No.6101013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1583

Labour MP Yvette Cooper's legislation to extend the Brexit process in a bid to avoid a 'no-deal' scenario has received royal assent and has become law

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 8, 2019, 4:54 p.m. No.6101995   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'd like to think that if the first extension was illegal, then surely it means we left the eu at 11pm on 29th March, and any subsequent debates, votes, or Acts of Law are therefore inconsequential.


Perhaps we're even watching a movie….

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 9, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.6111772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7959

[Our barrister] initially thought that we had a good case but the more he studied it, to draft his detailed Submissions, the stronger he thought it!

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 9, 2019, 2:52 p.m. No.6112213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Through honesty and determination we will face our challenges together. The EU believes in China and we believe in our partnership. Ready to work together and be more ambitious in standing up for our interests and values. Eek!

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 9, 2019, 3:13 p.m. No.6112418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2485 >>2742

THE BREXIT WRECKERS MPs who are betraying their constituents by trying to thwart Brexit — from Anna Soubry to Amber Rudd


Angry colleagues claim they have banded together to form an unholy alliance with one mission in mind - to delay or stop our departure from the EU

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 9, 2019, 3:20 p.m. No.6112485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2782

There's no doubt there are some constituencies where you could put a red rosette on a pig and it would win the seat!


In my opinion both the Labour party and the Toties need to be DESTROYED to stop the braindead from voting for them.


If the 'old favourites' are not on the ballot, the people will be forced to use their brains before voting



Anonymous ID: 740484 April 9, 2019, 3:53 p.m. No.6112903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4061

The ‘deep state’ was never going to allow a no-deal Brexit to happen


In the absence of political direction, our institutions have acted to protect the UK’s long-term interests

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 9, 2019, 4:50 p.m. No.6113548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7959

Julian Assange embroiled in ‘new wholly UNEXPECTED criminal case’ says WikiLeaks email


JULIAN ASSANGE is involved in a “new wholly enexpected criminal case”, according to an email from WikiLeaks.


The organisation said they will be holding a press briefing at 11am GMT today to give further details. Mr Assange has been inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for nearly seven years to avoid extradition to Sweden and the US. The email said: “WikiLeaks will be holding a press briefing about a new, wholly unexpected, criminal case involving Julian Assange escalating current tensions."

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 9, 2019, 5:15 p.m. No.6113871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good digging fren.

Please update if you discover moar


IMO the water toasts sound like a gud starting point…. curious symbolism, and might be easier to investigate



Anonymous ID: 740484 April 10, 2019, 11:34 a.m. No.6123298   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Q


Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign, amid reported review of informant's role📁



Anonymous ID: 740484 April 10, 2019, noon No.6123582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7959

REVEALED: Founding President of the European Commission was a NAZI Officer and Diplomat!


The founding President of the European Union Walter Hallstein (pic related) was a Nazi officer during the second world war and according to the Dr Rath Foundation a ‘Key’ Nazi Germany diplomat.


Mr Taylor points out the the European Union give “no mention whatsoever to the fact that before and during World War Two Hallstein was a member of official Nazi organizations.”


He continues: “The Association of National Socialist German lawyers was founded in 1933, immediately after the Nazis had seized power in the Nation. In 1936 it was converted into the Nazi Association of Law Protectors.


Membership of this second organisation was restricted to those individuals showing uncompromising support for, and participation in, the implementation of Nazi ideology.


In a memorandum sent by Hallstein to the representative of the Nazi government at the University of Rostock in Germany in 1935, Hallstein stated he was a member of both these organizations.“

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 10, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.6123654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6515 >>1849

Government adviser is SACKED amid fury at racist claims that Islamophobia is a 'propaganda' invention, all Chinese people are 'replicas' and George Soros has an 'empire' in Hungary


Government adviser Sir Roger Scruton (pic related) faced fierce renewed criticism today

In a new interview he said Islamophobia was an 'invention' of propaganda

And he claimed all Chinese people had been turned into 'replicas' of one another

Theresa May faced immediate demands to fire him as a housing adviser

Scruton was sacked within hours of the racist comments being published


Sir Roger Scruton was fired as a Government adviser today over a series of racist remarks in a magazine interview.


The academic, who advised the Government on housing policy, told the New Statesman that Islamophobia was 'a propaganda word invented by the Muslim Brotherhood in order to stop discussion of a major issue'.


In an attack on the government in Beijing, he claimed 'each Chinese person is a kind of replica of the next one and that is a very frightening thing'.


And of claims Jewish billionaire George Soros wields too much influence over Europe he said: 'Anybody who doesn't think that there's a Soros empire in Hungary has not observed the facts.'

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 10, 2019, 12:31 p.m. No.6123921   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Robin Tilbrook:

"The Government's Legal Department have confirmed that they will respond to our JR case (that the UK has left the EU on the 29.3.19) before the 17th April"

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 13, 2019, 7:29 a.m. No.6162762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3000 >>4127

Farage has spent most of his political career fighting the establishment. I see him as Britain's DJT


He's not a turncoat with a baggage of suspicion. With Fargae, what you see is what you get


I don't think there's any need to worry, concern fag



Anonymous ID: 740484 April 14, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.6175658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8214 >>7959

SIR Bill Cash MP in STUNNING confirmation of Article 50 extension ILLEGALITY!!!


" After hours of discussions with QCs and former judges, I believe the British Government’s extension of Article 50 is unlawful.


It is a fundamental principle of UK constitutional law that the Government may not use its powers, including its powers to make international agreements, to frustrate the intention of Parliament. Parliament’s intention is to be found, and is only to be found, in the laws it makes. Resolutions of the House of Commons may sometimes be politically important, but they are of no legal effect unless an Act of Parliament expressly gives them legal effect.


The intention of Parliament is, and remains still, that the UK must leave the EU. This is clear from the legislation to trigger Article 50(the EU Notification of Withdrawal Act 2017), in which Parliament referred to and declared “the United Kingdom’s intention to withdraw from the EU”. The EU Withdrawal Act 2018 gives effect to the decision to withdraw by repeatedly referring to “exit day”.


The Withdrawal Act expressly states: “The European Communities Act 1972 is repealed on exit day”. Parliament originally set that day precisely at March 29 2019, but the Government has purported to extend this by statutory instruments. These can be challenged in the courts.


It is essential to note that Parliament’s legal intention for the UK to leave the EU is not conditional upon a withdrawal agreement. While many MPs have said that they do not want the UK to leave without a withdrawal agreement, and the House of Commons has passed a resolution stating this, the law of the United Kingdom is not affected by their protestations. Our law is simply that the UK must leave the EU.


It follows that when the Prime Minister exercised her power to act for the UK at the EU Council, she was obliged under our law to refrain from doing anything that would frustrate the intention of Parliament that the UK must leave the EU with or without a withdrawal agreement.


These are manifest limitations on the Prime Minister’s competence. They concern rules of UK internal constitutional law of fundamental importance. In these circumstances, I believe that it would be impossible for the Prime Minister, acting lawfully under UK law, to accept an extension of the kind proposed. When I called on her to resign last week in the House of Commons, I reminded her that she had promised over 100 times not to extend exit day.


For the Prime Minister to agree to such an extension in these circumstances is to knowingly use her power in a way that she herself believes would risk frustrating Parliament’s intention that the UK must leave the EU. This is legally beyond the pale.


It is quite obvious from her letter to Donald Tusk of April 5 2019 that the Prime Minister has absolutely no plan regarding the purpose of any extension, other than a hope that some consensus may finally be reached in the Commons or by a Faustian pact with Jeremy Corbyn. This is no reasonable basis for agreeing to an extension that would frustrate the fulfilment of Parliament’s intention by extending exit day to Hallowe’en this year. This outrageous proposal, adding insult to injury with the trick or treat of EU-imposed conditions, provides no proper basis requiring the UK to submit.


The Government’s use of its powers – including the so-called prerogative under which international relations are conducted – can be challenged in the UK courts, as Gina Miller successfully did in the Supreme Court. A challenge in the courts is fully justified in respect of the purported extension of time.


We have been told by the Prime Minister that “we will not have truly left the European Union if we are not in control of our own laws”. The repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 achieves that control as the law of the land. The Withdrawal Agreement drives a coach and horses through the constitutional status of Northern Ireland and undermines the repeal of that 1972 Act.


This is a political betrayal of the referendum vote in June 2016. That vote was expressly given by Parliament under the Referendum Act 2015 to the people and became the law of the land. It cannot be taken back by mere resolutions of the Commons nor by unlawful statutory instruments. Indeed, on Friday evening, five minutes before the deadline on the statutory instrument for the regulations to confer the extension to October 31, I tabled a block against the regulations which continues until the House returns."


Sir Bill Cash MP is chairman of the European Scrutiny Committee and former shadow Attorney General



Anonymous ID: 740484 April 15, 2019, 3:15 p.m. No.6190827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7959

Another GROUNDBREAKING Legal Case planned over EU membership!


More here:

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 23, 2019, 3:22 p.m. No.6288611   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Re-posted from main bread


Donald Trump mocked for EMBARRASSING royal blunder in UK state visit announcement


Royal fans clocked an embarrassing error in the announcement, which referred to the Queen as “Her Royal Majesty”.


The statement in full reads: “President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump accepted the invitation of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to visit the United Kingdom from June 3 to 5, 2019.




Now then….


"Her Royal Majesty" is a song written by Gerry Goffin and Carole King and performed by James Darren. It reached #6 on the U.S. pop chart and #36 on the UK Singles Chart in 1962.[1]


AND The LYRICS are VERY interdasting…. (pic related)


Sauce -


There are no coincidences!!

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 28, 2019, 5:11 a.m. No.6345838   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Good! Now we just need people to vote for Brexit Party in a General Election too

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 28, 2019, 12:01 p.m. No.6349273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9425 >>9889

CrownGate : Hell - Dis is Gonnabe YUGE


11) History Lesson:

On Dec. 09, 1916, new British Prime Minister David Lloyd George formed a five-person War Cabinet.

12) Since then, The Crown has made Russia the brunt of their machinations going back to the British War Cabinet failing to provide promised military assistance to Russian Czar Nicholas II – King George's cousin.

13) This resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution within three weeks of War Cabinet Lord Alfred Milner’s return to London from Russia; where he failed to provide Russia the needed resources that the British government had already approved.

14) Vladimir Lenin had just made his banker-financed and visa-waived train trip by sealed train through war time Germany back to St. Petersberg (Petrograd) from Switzerland during the Russian Revolution of 1917.

15) Lenin immediately arranged the execution of the Czar and his family (Jul. 17, 1917) as one of his first acts of treachery.


16) Also of interest:

Sir Nick Clegg, Lord President Queen’s Privy Council (2010-2015), Facebook Vice-President of Global Affairs and Communications.

17) Sir Nick directed the world’s top propagandists at SCL (Strategic Communications Laboratories aka Cambridge Analytica).


18) Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, directs the One-World-Government Globalist takeover of America by the Queen's Privy Council.

19) Baron Malloch-Brown rigs elections from Venezuela & Estonia to USA.

He rigs electronic voting machines owned by him, George Soros and Mitt Romney.

He controls the U.S. Senior Executive Service (SES).

Anonymous ID: 740484 April 28, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.6349644   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Much more info on the original twatt thread fren


Seems to be a Work in Progress
