Anonymous ID: 3b966f April 4, 2019, 9:58 a.m. No.6045898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5934 >>5982

It's interesting that POTUS uses the terms "illegal" regarding leaks and that they "probably" had no sources at all.


Which I can't disagree with.

But it also might imply that there was a leak to the NYT from someone and if that happened then the NYT is screwed just as bad as any leaker at the govt level.


If there's one thing I've learned about DJT from afar is that 99% of the time he tweets or speaks he seems to be messaging about multiple things sometimes to different audiences.


This could be one of them. There was probably no leak from the Mueller probe but…WHAT IF one of Muellers now dismissed Dem investigators was feeding the NYT innuendos merely based on their former positions in an effort to give Dem's some type of counter narrative to Trump being totally exonerated.


I think GEOTUS is hinting at something in the tweet. Stay tuned.