Anonymous ID: 8be8f6 April 4, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.6046383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7034

>>6046213 (lb)

>God: Sacrifice the best of your stock unto me.

>OT Worshiper: Yes Lord. But, may I ask why?

>God: You need to atone for your sins.

>OT Worshiper: OK. But, why do you need a sacrifice.

>God: To cover your sins in blood for atonement.

>OT Worshiper: OK. Is that necessary for me to have eternal salvation?

>God: No, but; just trust me. Sacrifice that cow until I can prepare for this prophecy of sacrificing my own son unto me.

>OT Worshiper: Wait, WHAT?

>God: Long story, but when the messiah comes, my people will embrace him, while a group of people that reject him and claim to be my servants holding to the Law and having absolute dominion over my people will ultimately sacrifice him.

>OT Worshiper: That doesn't make sense. Why not just allow for us to have direct communion with you now and avoid all the bloodshed?

>God: Because there has to be a blood sacrifice for the atonement of sins.

>OT Worshiper: Why?

>God: Because there has to be a blood sacrifice for the atonement of sins.

>OT Worshiper: Why?

>God: Stop asking questions, and bring that cow over here for the BBQ, I mean, sacrifice for atonement of sins.

OT Worshiper: Yes, Lord.


See the problem, yet? God's only demand of sacrifice is of ourselves. Not literally killing ourselves, but denying ourselves the pleasure of the flesh. What could be so pleasing to God to have us destroy His creation to serve Him better? It's A LIE.

Anonymous ID: 8be8f6 April 4, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.6046457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6473


Bill's gtg. You are arguing with a shill right now. This is what they do: