Anybody else dig Max Igna vids?
How We Are Controlled and Why Most People Can't See It
Anybody else dig Max Igna vids?
How We Are Controlled and Why Most People Can't See It
I'll believe it when I see it. To me this doesn't meant a damn thing. Sorry.
shockeer. tough talk is getting old. less talk more action. this fucking charade is getting tired.
I'd like to take a poll.
What in God's name do anons think is going to "HAPPEN"?
In a few sentences, tell me what exactly you think is going "Happen".
You fuck off moron. It's a legit question. But kudos for you for being an internet tough guy. What a joke.
not a clown but thanks for playing. your clown detector must be broken. It's funny to see how sensitive anons can be when someone poses a legit question that pushes you out of your comfort zone.
the first actual answer. God will always win but that doesn't really answer the question. For example, my hope porn version of this deal ending is mass arrests with YUGE headlines but lately I feel like I'm running in circles and this is all just one giant distraction. I know that hurts the feelz of the Q cult but it is what it is.
no end game. just curious anon. I have my ideas of why I keep coming back here and I'm just wondering what others are thinking. I want it to be real but I might be the worlds biggest skeptic so I try not to get my hopes up.
keep telling yourself that
shocker. more talk with no action
that would be a good start
better answer than most. I have a big imagination. might be my problem here. I'm missing the little wins while looking for the grand slam.
As much as I can while also trying to raise a family and keep the bills paid.
cheaper to keep her
Wake Up Anons!
Ep. 041 - AI, Black Mirrors, and the Smart Grid w/ Max Igan | Woke AF