>>6046983 (lb)
>>6046976 (lb)
I know the post.
that is not telling anyone to do or buy anything. It is merely pointing out that the FED has issues.
it might mean that they don't have as much gold as they say that they do.
or it might mean that old notes and bonds with the gold clause
will have to be redeemed at the old gold value. So a 20 dollar bil from 1926 would be worth like 1200 dollars.
I know tht there was a story about negotiables, gold backed, from China.
now some Brit-cuck had a stack of them and went to the chineese and got them to honor them. The Chinese had always maintained before that they were void, instruments of the old order. But the story I read said that they did redeem some recently.
but what that means is that all of the other bonds or notes
of that same issue must all be honored at the same rate.
I heard this a long time ago.
that would mean that the Fed might be on the hook like this too.
Q does not say to buy stock, or gold.
and discourages profiteering .
he neither says to buy nor to sell nor to hold anything like that.