Anonymous ID: 8d5726 April 4, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.6048020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8161

Simple hi pass theory:


Bake your noodle. Double meaning alert…


Or..bake Nudelman?


Focus is on Ukraine right? Distraction is pervy Joe. The real shit is his son and the other conspirators that looted the absolute fuck out of Ukraine.

This was absolute rape of a country. In plain sight. Lot of VERY deep tribe overtones, too.




Tribe has an axe to grind with Ukraine, to such an extent the financed…with US dollars, a Nazi thug army to flip the country and rape it. Take their gold, pack their gov with tribe toadies…it’s all there.


Nudelman, Kagan, Kristol….


This grudge goes waaaaaayyyy back.

It’s not that the creepy Joe thing isn’t relevant…it’s just that it’s the slimy cover for something much, much more sinister.

Grab a shovel.

Anonymous ID: 8d5726 April 4, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.6048161   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Orange Madien Revolution was an Obama Admin Coup…plain and simple.


Stephen F. Cohen, professor emeritus of russian studies and politics at NYU and Princeton, and John Batchelor continue their (usually) weekly discussion of the new US-Russian Cold War. (Previous installments, now in their fifth year, are at


Cohen begins: The orthodox American political-media narrative blames “Putin’s Russia” alone for the new US-Russian Cold War. Maintaining this (at most) partial truth involves various mainstream media malpractices, among them lack of historical context; reporting based on unverified “facts” and selective sources; editorial bias; and the excluding, even slurring, of proponents of alternative explanatory narratives as “Kremlin apologists” and carriers of “Russian propaganda.” An extraordinary example appeared on May 1, when Jim Sciutto, CNN’s leading purveyor of Russiagate allegations, tweeted that “Jill Stein is…repeating Russian talking points on its interference in the 2016 election and on U.S. foreign policy.” To the extent that Sciutto represents CNN, as he does almost nightly on air, it is useful to know what this influential network actually thinks about a legitimate third party in American electoral democracy and its presidential candidate. And also about many well-informed Americans who have not supported Stein or her party but who strongly disagree with CNN’s orthodox positions on Russiagate and US foreign policy. No less important, however, is the highly selective nature of the mainstream narrative of the new Cold War, what it chooses to feature and what it virtually omits. Among the omissions, few realities are more important than the role played by neofascist forces in US-backed, Kiev-governed Ukraine since 2014. Not even many Americans who follow international news know the following, for example:


§ That the snipers who killed scores of protestors and policemen on Kiev’s Maidan Square in February 2014, thereby triggering a “democratic revolution” that overthrew the elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, and brought to power a virulent anti-Russian, pro-American regime—it was neither democratic nor a revolution, but a violent coup unfolding in the streets with high-level support—were sent not by Yanukovych, as is still widely reported, but instead almost certainly by the neofascist organization Right Sector and its co-conspirators.