Anonymous ID: 14a645 April 4, 2019, 3:47 p.m. No.6050303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0323 >>0839

Theory fagging here……


Who is Howard Schultz?

Has he announced yet?

Why is he hosting a town hall event?

Why is Fox News covering it so extensively?


It's all about balance.

We are a free people.

We live by the laws WE choose.

Not every individual is in agreement

We are divided.

If the D party collapses entirely, it would cause a void so large that the only possible outcome would be chaos.

How is this avoided?

As the curtain draws back, more & more people will hop on the trump train.

This doesn't mean we will magically agree on everything.

A multi party system is an essential element to our constitutional republic.

What happens in 2024 when the Big Man is no longer eligible?

Who could ever live up to the accomplishments to come?


We agree, we don't want a king

He has plenty of amazing children that could take the throne.

Isn't that what we've been fighting against?

Established bloodlines creating a new ruling class?

Thinking logicaly, who else would be more suited that those whom have spent thier entire lives with the greatest president ever?

> control

How did the DS establish control?

They controlled both sides.

msm vs alt right media

Controlled vs controlled opposition

In order to ensure evil doesn't return

You'd need absolute control.


What if HS is the controlled opposition?

Im not saying he's the plan but could he be an actor?

Think AOC.


Controll the opposition by controlling who challenges you.

Anonymous ID: 14a645 April 4, 2019, 3:52 p.m. No.6050386   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Not likely.

The problem is that the current D party is self serving.

Would you really expect them to use their own money when their m/o is stealing our?

J could see an argument being made that it's a last ditch effort but I would lean towards anyone running now is either controlled or in the deep.

Anonymous ID: 14a645 April 4, 2019, 3:58 p.m. No.6050469   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Been here a while.

He's popped up but I don't recall much either.

It was around the time he started changing all the polices to appease the beast.

Small digs but not much to jt


I am thinking controlled op.

Maybe hes bad but not the worst.

> don't be a faggot

> try to win.

> at last moment something drops pulling him from the race

Only option is shittier than a worn out butt hole with diarrhea leaving the only option Trump or not voting (which is a vote for trump)

POTUS wins 94 - 96% of pop vote..