Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 4, 2019, 9:03 p.m. No.6054400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4458


Reeee… Is it so important that your silly triangle bullshit here that you will post it HUNDREDS of times? Over and over and over and over and over and over and over in the same bread? Then spew some sewage if someone says they are tired of the same old tired triangel with the same stupid silly bird thing and no context and related to nothing? You are literal chaff. My gosh. Imagine being YOU. You are paid a shitty crackhead-tier wage to come here and post nonsensical bullshit over and over while people tell you to fuck off. What a waste of life and human inteligence. In fact you are running hundreds of these things on various boards and you have software that feed negative responses to you. You select a pre-formatted attack response with a mouse click in a second.. Like the one you just posted… as a way to attack us.


Don't you know? No one told you? No one is falling for the repetitive bullshit any more. Just because I see it 100 times a day does not make it true. Instead it makes it fake. You are proving that what we do here is worth a fight. Griershill lost. But you attack me in the same way which means … YOU. ARE. GRIERSHILL. Where did the CE5 go? Where did the triangleshill stuff come from? Yawn… Its all so silly and obvious. You lost. Your supervisor is disappointed. You will not get your bonus. You will be laughed at by your peers. When you walk out of your cubicle at the end of your shift today… YOUR NAME WILL BE AT THE BOTTOM. No bonus for you. You must really hate me.

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 4, 2019, 9:07 p.m. No.6054470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4496


Its a call-center bot dude. They have a person who gets pinged if there are responses. Notice they just post the exact few things over and over an over and over? Its because that is all they have. that is all his boss gave him. They burned up the old bread with this triangle bullshit and then the baker sniped the bake from them and so they are fucked.


These guys work at a call-center. Under flickering flourescent lights. If we buy their bullshit they get paid if we laugh at them and call them out they don't get paid. Want to know how I know this? ha ha I used to set up their computer systems. How do you think I found this place?


If that many people are being paid to do this shit it is because THEY ARE HIDING SOMETHING. Nothing makes me believe in Aliens more than fake bullshit posts like these trying to distract from alien shit.


POST GOOD CONTENT ANON. Laugh at the triangle shill. Welcome to the war.

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 4, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.6054547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4574 >>4591


Oh god… That one did it… I BELIEVE YOU NOW… Please teach me your weird ways master triangle pentagram shill… my child can make better bullshit than this. Try red tex twtih capitols next time. That will definitely convince everyone you are real.


Honestly I feel sorry for you fags. I remember looking at your tired eyes. Your shuffling feet. I really feel bad for ya. Oh well. Next time post some of those pastel Pileadian cartoons. Boy I was meditating to Steven Grier and looking for the lights from that boat out in the ocean after looking at the pastel pileadians.

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 4, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.6054625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6054574 pussy

>>6054587 Yeah bro. That would be pretty cool. There is Aliens and UFO on Voat. Much more difficult to shill there because of how it is organized. Very little traffic as well. I am there all the time as well. You can always post there and get those running.

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 4, 2019, 9:30 p.m. No.6054739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6808


The one thing the shills hate is to see a bread like this pumped to the max with good info and everyone looking at it. Gosh. I hope Ole' triangle doesn't get fired for shitting the last bread then missing the bake.

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 4, 2019, 9:50 p.m. No.6054930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5268 >>7064


TRIPS OF TRUTH. The triangle shill is really a colossal faggot who should be fired. from her job.


Ok! Time to go watch the last episode of Grand Tour! Have fun everyone. Remember, THERE ARE ALIENS. They likely are dimentional travelers which means they can… (roughly guessing here) negate mass to zero or near zero allowing themselves and their ships to be propelled with nearly no force at all to tremendous speeds.


I think perhaps (pure speculation) that they can take their mass negative with these electric gravitic drives. My shitty third rate kiked public school education and deep poisioning from vaccines does not let me understand the implications of that but my guess is that is how you make a worm hole to another dimention with this tool. That is all it is … A tool.


Trump has spoken about threats from "all dimentions" as a datapoint for this thought. This stuff is not hard. You don't have to follow a "leader" or a "plan" or pay money or any bullshit like that.


I have seen the flashers in the sky. I have seen the shadows of craft on the moon through my own telescope. I have seen 2 flying cylanders with no contrails and NO WINGS on a day where every single plane made contrails but these two and they went from horizon to horizon in about 1/3 the time of all other craft.


Q has confirmed there are aliens. You don't have to run off into the weeds of psychic meditations or bullshit esoteric triangle garbage or anything like that. THAT IS THE CHAFF. Use your own fucking brain and apply it. Ask yourself… Could someone be getting paid to do the actions I see? Would I act the way they are acting without a REASON? If you see that the answer is obviously NO (traingle shill/Griershill/Gaiafags/pastel pileadian cartoon fags/Rafags. etc. Then ask yourself what would make you act that was and your first guess should be money and your second guess should be ABJECT FEAR OF US HAVING A CONVERSATION ABOUT THESE TOPICS UNINTERRUPTED.


Makes sense huh? Off to Mongolia with James May, Richard Hammond and Jeremy Clarkson.

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 6, 2019, 3:19 p.m. No.6076633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7052

>>6075668 in main Q-notables.


This is a possible UFO crash IMO.


If anyone is in the area of this some independent photos and information woudl be very helpful in determining what actually happened. No way lighting will take out a mile of phone poles. Not a chance.



Seattle phone fag here and have been following this story about 24 power pole being blown up. Don't know if it's been posted, don't care. What I do know is that witnesses said that a blue light , they assumed lighting, struck the pole and everything blow up at once. They length of the line of poles is over a mile. Theses are not poorly maintained poles with most of them being 5 years old of an expected life of at least 50 years as they are treated. Anyway, the weather people say that their lighting strike meter did not register a strike in the area at the time. The destruction was amazing. But they are already changing bits of the story and the destruction doesn't match lighting, wind, or even tornado which we ever have in the Puget sound area, let alone Seattle.

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 8, 2019, 9:28 a.m. No.6097009   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah there are very few posters posting legit alien stuff and instead everyone just bitches at the shills. Best thing to do at this point is to filter the triangle and OM fags and POST SOME GOOD SHIT HERE!!! I posted a shitload at the top of this bread. I bet you can't out-do me.

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 8, 2019, 9:54 a.m. No.6097258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9204 >>1535 >>1782


Shure wish god would spread some of that winning around instead of keeping it all for himself… Almost like there is an ajenda



So, 2000 years ago, more or less, a really nice dude incarnated here and tried really hard to redpill the shit out of a LOT of people and tried to get it to last a long time so we could 'improve' instead of just murdering and raping all day. This person was Jesus.


He described a lot of stuff. Now, make Jesus a technological god as opposed to a magic godly god. He could use highly advanced to perform medical miracles… He could calmly face down crazy savages who don't understand because he has beter infomation. He can turn water into wine and cure the sick and blind with godly tech. He could even survive fatal wounds and … rise up into 'heaven'.


See, much of what we read in the bible is what bronze age people interpreted with their eyeballs based on the shit they knew. Does this make Jesus not a god? Well, what is your definition of GOD?


See what I mean? So does anything change if 'heaven' is a highly advanced galactic civilization that has specific entrance requirements for new upstart species from savage planets? You know requirements like… Love thy neighbor… Don't be all rapey and murdering fuckers all the time. Don't be some horrible pedophile cannibal. Sounds reasonalbe to me… How about angels? These could easily be various alien species who have been mucking about. Not too hard to take advanced tech and UFO's and turn a tall white dude into a flying angel huh?


Your religion is not WRONG, us savages just don't quite get it in the right context. Go back through your religion and look at it through the lense of a galactic civilization that is VERY advanced and operates VERY WELL, even to the point of being heavenly. Now, what would their entrance requirements be? How would they let other upstart savages like us stuck in the bottom of a gravity well like we are join them? I wonder if they would give us some guidelines? I think they would.


This links up well with Hollow earth. Think of an advanced civilization in there. They would be more than a little worried about us up here nuking the outer shell of their spaceship. You know, since we are just green slime growing on the hull. Would be better to have us as a reasonable and quality ally. They would probably help us do that. They probably have rules against 'acting like god' A prime directive for Star Trek fans. The stuff happening throughout history seems to kinda link up with this. Not for sure but possible.


REMA is a wonderful mapping tool. 'They' did a miserable job of covering the various stuff that is going on down there… Probably on purpose.


Lots of hand edits for no fucking reason plus you can see the hole obviously covered up in the elevation maps. Its a good time.

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 8, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.6099793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1782


name one of them jesus and have him tell them all how it is… easy money. Also. has anyone ever asked the smithsonian foir the actual journal of Olaf Jensen of "the Great Smoky God"? the author of the book mentions the book is only a small part of the journal and that he will (likely did) give it to them. Sadly they are well known to cover shit up… pic related.

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 8, 2019, 9:35 p.m. No.6105138   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I always keep an eye out for the shills… If you are not one then thats fine and your riposte is accepted graciously. I finally relented and used the filter button here to clear out the shills from my view instead of fighting them. I needed a break. I guess i have strong instincts. Happy digging!

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 9, 2019, 5:15 p.m. No.6113867   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pretty good vids.


shoot the moon


object passing moon




Wave thing

Anonymous ID: 1d6cdb April 9, 2019, 10:38 p.m. No.6117527   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just watched Shoot The Moon from Crrow777 on Jewtube. It was fucking awesome and easily worth the 11$ on Vimeo. Definitely watch this one. Not sure about that whole sun thing but the rest is pretty trippy.