Anonymous ID: 867933 April 18, 2019, 9:16 a.m. No.6225687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2629

I had a dream with a couple of matte chrome saucers silently flying through clouds in a blue sky. They weren't very high, maybe 20-30m, or they were pretty big or I was a bit higher above the ground. It was like they were in a hurry, I could feel them, and felt left behind. So one cloud appeared in front of me and one saucer moved through it and it opened a hatch towards me, so that there was a bunch of stairs facing me. But I didn't get in. I think it was because I read on this board "don't get in". As soon as there was doubt in my mind, the dream ended.


Then some weeks later I took MDMA and Cannabis and listened to Reggae Dub while lying on my sofa, eyes closed, concentrating on the blissful feeling. In the dark, I saw Jesus. He made hand gestures and in front, or in his chest, was a geometrical pattern with circles and all very complex. He showed this to me as if it were a lesson. Then I put out my hands and reached to him and he reached to me and we touched hands and hugged. Then he rose in height to be about 30m tall and holding me in his arms. Then he went back to normal size and I suddently was a small child and he held me up in the air like Simba from the lion king but me facing him. All this happened in darkness.


I have to say I had some other spritual events prior to that. First, there was one of these lucid dreams, where I sit next to the place where I'm sleeping. There's a presence and I'm scared. Then I open my eyes and at the same time touch the arm of a small, maybe 1,50m tall, bald man with a moustache, looking like a turkish vegetable seller. As soon as this happens, I feel that this entity is surprised that I see it, like, "wtf are you doing", not angry. And at the same time, I feel deep love. That's that. Very weird dream state. I had this kind of dream before, feeling like being paralysed and freightened. One of these was when I laid in bed, dreaming that I was in my bed, but unable to move because there is an overwhelming presence. In this case it was the small turkish guy. And in another case it was my own dad, holding me from behind and me being a small child. This was very terrifying. But these MDMA/Weed visions, more like astral projection, I had with Jesus, this reoccured. It was not my fathet holding me, but Jesus and me being a toddler. I know this because contrary to him suddently being 30m tall and me in my original, adult size in his arms, this was different. He was back to his 1,90m and it was my perception that changed, like the perception of a small child, experiencing the world as gigantic and monolithic. So anyway, I had this dream with this turkish entity, and soon after that, after the baptizing of my nephew I went back home and smoked a joint and laid down to get to sleep. As soon as I laid in my bed meditating, eyes closed, a small hand pushed through my back through my heart and there was a flash before my eyes with the face of Jesus Christ.


Ah yes, also, I experienced flashers in the sky, twice now. The first was when I went up a hill where I live, in Berlin, GER. I thought in my mind, "if you really are doing something against these monsters, then I want a proof, now." I was pretty upset that nothing happens, that there still is a kind of veil regarding QAnon and the great awakening. Then, I felt like looking at a specific part of the nightsky at there it was, a short flash. Confirmed. The other time was recently, after the death of my grandmother, after the burial when we stayed at their house. I had sang a song, Lord Huron, "Vincent Van Gogh", and changed it slightly. I sang that : "now, they're listening", like in :"this time, someone listens as opposed to Van Gogh." And by "them", I meant German guys in Saucers. My sister, who gave me the lyrics to sing on, I think she didn't understand what I really meant when singing the song, like that I adressed it to entities listening through the smartphones mic, maybe like these who are QAnon. Some SSP, I don't know.

Then I went out to smoke a cigarette, and there it was again, a flash in the sky, just like the other time. "Look here", flash.

Anonymous ID: 867933 April 18, 2019, 9:18 a.m. No.6225712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

But let me go back to my MDMA/Weed vision/projection/lessons with Jesus. Still lying on my sofa with reggae dub on, eyes closed. After he went 30m big, then back, then me being a toddler and him holding me up in the air facing him, he and I went to normal size. I hugged him again I think. Then comes the interesting part : He showed me his saucer ! It still was in the darkness and i could only "see" the edges of it, sharp edges. I went around it and then came to my mind the dream I had before, where a saucer came through a cloud, opening his hatch and me hesitating to go in, terminating the dream. This time it wasn't a dream but rather a vision/projection. So he opened the hatch, and I went directly in. So there we were in his saucer. I stood to his right. He was in front of a control panel, very sci-fi. There was a holographic display of planets, and I think we went to earth or to a similar planet. The whole context/situation was that there was a kind of a space battle going on around this planet, but also, it was a lesson, a bit like a training directly on the battlefield. As we were in the saucer, the inner core had no windows. When we came to the planet, suddently tge interior changed, it went bigger and in front of us there was a big rectangular hatch that began to open. As soon as it was open, we could look down the planet and it's like I'm an apprentice, assisting him and him showing me around, "how the company works". Next thing is him standing. He's about 3m tall. Around him, in the dark, there are people bowing to him. I'm also in this crowd. The people are lit up brightly. We all bow to him and he stands in the middle. He is holding up a sword in the air, and I am doing the same, concentrating "force", "energy" in it, against a dark pressure. I feel that I am failing against it, and I can see the crowd getting darker, like a gangrene creeping in, forming paths like lava, like a blood vessel, like something organic. The crowd loses its brightness and this operation is failing. Then it ends and I am standing again with him, in the dark. Him in front of me. I feel he is a bit disappointed, because it failed, but also, it was a lesson that he taught me. But this lesson was expensive. But it was a lesson. Then, I feel like it's the end of this vision/projection. And I open my eyes. That's that. Ever since I can "see" him near me (not in visible light), I can interact with him and he is with me.

Anonymous ID: 867933 April 18, 2019, 9:19 a.m. No.6225719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm sure some people experience visions when on drugs. I thought that the interesting part was that he showed me a saucer.. That's why I post this here, also because it's Q related..


Another experience, the first of "another" kind that I had was when I was 8 years old. I had fever and laid in my parents bed. Suddently a black panther walked besides the bed, right next to me. Then the room went bright and confetti swirled around, more 5cm by 2cm strips of silver, like on TV shows when someone had won a jackpot. And in the middle of the room was a 3m tall guy, teleprathically communicating to me that "I have won". He was wearing a tuxedo and a cylinder, made of these silver comfetti things. I think the black puma/panther was his. Then as soon as he said that, a pink, very "soft-looking" object/material appeard in my field of vision, taking the appearance of a camera, a bit like the one my older brother had at the time. Then, a bigger, dark object was there. Like out of metal, or cooled lava. Very rough shape. The room went dark again and I felt like I was very heavy. I still feel like this sometimes. Heavy, like too big in my own body, like made out of lead. Anyway, that was it. Then a doctor that my mother called came and he laid his hand on my forehead and said I had fever, while I still was babbeling about the black panther. But, I'm not so sure if this doctor was there before or after the event. I think it was after. Or at the same time. Anyway this hole happening could habe distorted time anyway. I mean for someone appearing just like that in a room, with the room getting very bright, there must be a higher power at work. My mother also experienced things. One thing that she told me after I myself told her that story, after mentioning the place getting very bright and me feeling no fear at all, but not knowing what to think of it, was following : She told me she wouldn't tell anyone else and didn't, because they surely would think she's crazy. I mean that's tge reason why I myself post this on 8ch or only tell my family about it. So, she was at a sauna. She went on a roof area to chill and suddently all went bright and she had to sit down on the floor. Then she saw people in white robes, but they were translucent, and they had no feet to walk, because they hovered above the ground. She told me that she thought to herself :"Well, there is a problem here. That's not right or how it should work. I think this must now become normal again. People aren't translucent or floating above the ground normally." Then, it went back to normal. Anyway. Seems like this runs in the family. I recall some stories online where people see ghosts or weird apparition or bigfoot and are really scared. Well with the semi-lucid, paralysed dream I had, I was scared too. But not when I saw this 3m tall silver-dressed magician appearing in the room, or the puma walking near my bed. Strange.. It says in the Bible : "be not scared !". Don't exactly know where. Anyway, that's my story. These are the things that I experience/d.


Concerning the use of drugs : I also used a salvia divinorium 20x extract once. I was in the woods. Took a good bong hit at then it kicked in, pulling me backwards, like salvia does. Pulled backwards, I look onto a tree and as I look at him, I feel him. Like I felt why he did grow that precise way, feeling compassion towards him. And as I gaze at him, it's like there is a time bubble that opens up to a place where me and my family (father, uncles, grandparents) often went hiking after lunch, in the woods, where there were swings. Suddently it was as if I looked through a glass to this exact place in time. Then the effect of the drug faded away. Salvia is very potent, also very short.


Definitly weird things going on. And it leaves me with many open questions. What/who were the two flashes in the sky ? Maybe my grandparents, who passed away ? If so, I expect a third one for my uncle. Who was this 3m tall, silver cylinder wearing guy in my room ? Why the weird dreams (Like the one I had sleeping outdoors and where a bear/animal which is me, runs towards the me who is sleeping on the ground with me waking up just before I reach myself) ? Is it the veil that starts to lift ? Definitely there is more than we know. I even don't choose to having these experiences, but I'm conpletely ok with it because it is the Lord God who handles everything and I merely am his servant, nothing else. He already chose the path I go and I go only because of that. I can't really recall if I choose to know, like Q says, but I think I sure did. Of course. Otherwise I wouldn't be in this process of knowing more. If I couldn't recall if I did choose to know, maybe that's because the things that I know now have already replaced the knowledge of having made a choice. It's not that I forgot, because I know I made a choice and will always do the same choice again, it's just that it's not the relevant aspect in all this.

Anonymous ID: 867933 April 18, 2019, 9:29 a.m. No.6225852   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ah yea I forgot to say that being held by Jesus as a toddler wasn't terrifying, contrary to the paralyzed dream I had. It was rather like solving this previous problem.