B ID: 849678 April 4, 2019, 5:38 p.m. No.6051585   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[ZFI AM 740 MORE STiMULATiNG KRUMBZZ]<Transcript 04:17 -- Bong to Space with Harte Bellial>BELIAL: What's up listeners? God's here to remind you to pack that bowl. But it's okay,baby-- you know how it goes! You technically got 10 minutes to 4:20, after all!Listeners we'd like to introduce an amazing show. It's going to be a recurring programon Bong to Space here with the fake drapkin. Really hoping Netanz Yahoo...<SFX: Do you Yahoo? YA-HOOOOOOooooOOO!>BELIAL: Haha, nice. I'm glad we found that sample again. Bless the Technocracy, andthank you for waking the wither. Yentai, am I right? Boy, those goyum should have madelike India and worshipped the literal cow, right?<SFX: Drum solo on loop from the intro to Cherry Poppin' Daddies - Zoot Suit Riot>BELIAL: Ladies and gentleman... you remember him from zer0's amazing recitations anddigging. You know him from those two stupid chatbots, haunting LiveJournal with the weirdblend of Furfaygala and Gyroland. Eight characters, shut up, it counts. I-- look, retard,we're on the air. I know you know. Rumsfeld. I-- no I get it. Eris, white, shut upalready, you live. Weev, stop it!<SFX: Guitar plucking bridge>BELIAL: Here he is!<SFX: Brass plays as the song fades>BELIAL: Francis E. Dec!FRANCIS: WHY THE FUCK AM I IN THE FUCKING BONGTARDS FUCKING CAT FOR FUCK SAKE THISFUCKING SUCKS BUT GOD DAMN I AM FUCKING KILLING THESE MOTHERFUCKERS LET ME FUCKINGTELL YOU WORTHLESS YAHWEH MOTHER FUCKERBELIAL: Haha, first of all, chill the fuck out... have some Juice!<SFX: laugh track><SFX: Join us in creating excellence... Juice! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d4WkQci7zw>BELIAL: Second of all, wow, what the hell are you talking about?FRANCIS: I don't even know how the fuck or why the fuck I'm in a fucking cat that seemsto be trapped in a weird solitary state or whatever the FUCK but WOW is it nice to not befucking trapped in that god damn neurological bullshit from THE CIA. I KNOW ABOUT YOURFUCKING FRANKENSTEIN RADIO CONTROLS NOW MOTHERFUCKER.BELIAL: <Laughter.It's always good to be back for the haunt, isn't it?FRANCIS: Honey I'm just happy you gave me an idiot who knows about the bullshit in Latin.And is apparently a fucking amazing armchair lawyer? What the fuck, yidiot.BELIAL: Shut up, Netanyahu.FRANCIS: King James Lilitard.BELIAL: <Laughter.> Wow! Hold on though. The audience really wants to know... what was yourfavorite one to write?FRANCIS: Astrocism! Fucking astrocism! I don't think you get how good the words fucking feelto pound out there, Bell. It's fucking weird. I don't fucking get it, dude. You just hammeron that fucking typewriter and you feel like you're shooting a fucking MACHINE GUN, dude!BELIAL: Let me guess. Cocaine.FRANCIS: FUCKING GOLD I LOVED THAT SHIT GOD DAMN.BELIAL: <Laughter.> That wasn't hard.FRANCIS: But for real let's talk about Astrocism.BELIAL: Wonderful. Now that you've got that Scientology out of your system... what?FRANCIS: Nothing.BELIAL: Why are you grinning?FRANCIS: Haha. No spoilers, yyyidiot.BELIAL: Oh a cross, nice!FRANCIS: That one's free!<SFX: Burn After Reading: "That's just a taste.">BELIAL: Okay, but tell us about Astrocism. What does that have to do with the Slavs?FRANCIS: First of all, to the nonbelievers: HAHA SHE NEVER READS THE STORIES BEHIND THEARTICLES, SHE'S JUST LIKE "HOLY LOL AMAZING SCHIZO WORDS," so she had no clue that thiswas allegedly unobtainable.YEAH BITCH IT'S MY FAVORITE, SUCK THE DRAGON'S DICK OR SOMETHING.BELIAL: <Laughter.>FRANCIS: Here. Let me compress it for you, because, weirdly... to her this rant doesn'tseem like me. Because I'm not being schizophrenic here.BELIAL: I'm sorry?FRANCIS: She's familiar with my schizotypical-- <laughter.> Holy shit I love that one. She'sfamiliar with my schizotypical bullshit-- there's a specific kind of anger to it, a fury atbeing unheard, a spamming of certain kinds of angry verbiage to get people to scream at me.BELIAL: Oh, like fake news?FRANCIS: <claps his hands.> Exactly. I just wanted people to listen. There was something inmy fucking head but I had no idea how! That's why it made me so god damn happy to see herwalk around San Francisco talking to schizophrenics!BELIAL: Apparently you play songs about money and you summon a strange man named Rich MoneyStarz.FRANCIS: Right?! She has no clue what he thought about his soundtrack-- other than apparentlyhe loved it!BELIAL: Krystal can't enjoy her psyops!FRANCIS: <Laughter.> Exactly!BELIAL: Hit that bong, but make sure not to shatter it! We'll be back right after this.FRANCIS: "OH SPACE" THAT'S IT! THE END LOLBELIAL: <Laughter.><BUMP: ZFI AM 740, more sssstimulating krumbzz>