Anonymous ID: 6eeb6b April 4, 2019, 7:16 p.m. No.6052925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2980 >>3006 >>3237

Listening to Tucker tonight-

Enrique Acevedo, from Univision tonight interview nauseated me, Always this 'journalist' opinionist bloviates a NO answer in true NLP style.

I have yet to see Sean, Ingraham and even Tucker at this point put 2=2 together and talk about how the immigration crisis and open borders ties into America's homeless crisis.

In other words FOX folkies, how about getting some experts in to figure out how millions of immigrants will eventually become like average Americans who lost their shirts in the BIG SHORT of 2008/09 and are now homeless and all will be one big happy, miserable homeless family.

Here is the Big question: which faction with get assistance first- immigrants or natural citizens living on the streets?


there is a story for you. Do you have the investigative guts to pursue it?

Sean, Tucker, Laura, Shannon, Bret, Lou, Jessie, Greg, Ed et al?

Anonymous ID: 6eeb6b April 4, 2019, 7:25 p.m. No.6053049   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Now, how about these young progressives with 'spread the wealth' commie new deals, go specifically after the likes of Big Tech's billions and liability to fund what——-? housing projects (loaded up with wi-fi, smart technology ) as a community service? I here-tell Microsoft is flirting with the idea. Not so much Amazon, they have too much money to hoard and would rather sell them Nike sneaks and mattresses fro under the bridge comfort.

That's a snow ball into an avalanche.