Anonymous ID: 3c9ea2 April 4, 2019, 9 p.m. No.6054368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4433 >>4488 >>4505 >>4549 >>4552 >>4566 >>4622 >>4655

Hey Night crew, dont know if this was covered here yet as it happened on March 28, in Raleigh NC.


It is being called a military training exercise, but we all know how that went with the one in LA a month or so ago.

Thought we better put eyes on this just to leave no stone un-turned.


It was mentioned it happened on Capitol Blvd if anyone is interested in finding the building to see whats there and give it a dig.

No doubt something was going on. A lot of Choppers involved and also a lot of flash bangs.

Im not military so I dont know what to look for as far as an exercise or an actual happening. I will leave that up to you guys to conclude.


Original video can be found here:


I just tried to stabilize it a bit better, The guy filming was pretty bouncy.