Anonymous ID: 8d3a16 April 4, 2019, 8:42 p.m. No.6054142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4340

NYT peddling "fake news" once again. Its time to "debunk" the "debunking" of vaccine dangers. Vaccines as currently used (with the possible exception of the single tetanus vaccine) are ALL unsafe and by DESIGN destroy health. This piece from the NYT is pathetically and dangerously wrong. The original paper by Andrew Wakefield was retracted because it threatened a genocidal pharmaceutical program, by correctly noticing a huge relationship between MMR vaccine and the development of autism. Wakefield was one of 13 authors on the retracted paper but the only one to lose his medical license because he stood by the results of his work which did not directly implicate the MMR vaccine, but wisely suggested that parents use the separate measles, mumps and rubella vaccines (which were promptly made unavailable after the Wakefied, et. al, paper). The POS NYT article minimizes the criminally and homicidally negligent Dengvaxia scandal in the Philipines, which vaccinated 700,000 children BEFORE the realization that the vaccine was increasing the risk of harm. The people of the Philipines are 100% correct in now assuming that ALL vaccine products should be avoided. Moving on to the lies about vaccines being used to sterilize women. It is known that vaccines with beta HCG (human chorianic gonadotropin) were experimented with going back to the 1970's, I believe. In Africa, Catholic bishops were appropriately concerned about a strange "tetanus" vaccination program which ONLY targeted women of prime fertility years and gave them multiple, excessive injections. The bishops requested that the vaccines be tested and HCG was found during analysis. That the NYT, that bastion of progressive love, has signed on to supporting a clandestine population reduction program against brown and black people in several parts of the world is beyond reprehensible. Their disdain for autistic people in the West is at least, consistent with their liberal self-loathing for America, but no less disgusting.

Anonymous ID: 8d3a16 April 4, 2019, 8:53 p.m. No.6054268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The NYT portrays the horror of the Dengvaxia scandal in the Philipines as a minor blip in the vaccine juggernaut. How wrong they are. Officials are facing prosecution for rushing to vaccinate 700,000 children. It appears 10 children died from the vaccine. Please note that in the story officials did not find it surprising that their were deaths following a vaccine campaign! How many others were maimed or sickened. Good for the Philippine government. Unfortunately US citizens are on their own.

Anonymous ID: 8d3a16 April 4, 2019, 9:01 p.m. No.6054375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When you kill a baby with vaccines, you get a potential "organ donor"! Isn't pharmaceutical medicine fantastic?

Anonymous ID: 8d3a16 April 4, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.6054713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4769 >>4779

I think it likely that vaccine deaths are used to provide harvestable organs. Also, a child that is brain damaged from vaccines is vulnerable to abuse and trafficking. When CPS is able to get away with blaming parents through false claims of abuse we have the makings of a "legal" method of trafficking American children. Here is a link to the Maryann Godboldo (God-bold-o) story. I took a screen shot of a very interesting comment about the potential for organ trafficking from damaged children.

Anonymous ID: 8d3a16 April 4, 2019, 9:33 p.m. No.6054779   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This comment is so enlightening. I suspect that when organs are harvested from people who are "culled" due to signs of vaccine damage it is so that newer more deadly vaccines can be developed. Since there is no effective testing on these products, pharmaceutical companies can kill at will and for profit. BTW, vaccine injury is the DESIRED outcome from vaccination. Since you cannot sue in civil court, making people chronically ill keeps pharma profits rolling. Pharmaceutical companies are literally engaged in sorcery and ritualistic abuse (think about what it is like for a toddler to be taken to a doctor's office, restrained and painfully injected with needles multiple times).