Anonymous ID: 1c96a8 April 4, 2019, 11:27 p.m. No.6055840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5844 >>5882 >>5994 >>6141 >>6215 >>6316


Q has already made the point the NZ FF occurred on the wrong day. But following up on a clue that I suspect is from Q, I think I have figured out a crucial part of how this worked.

This is both a revision and an expansion of my prior claim that both Anton and Gorka have been ID'ed as Q team.

I am not really updating my view on Anton. I think he has definitely been ID'ed as Q team, and unless they are making some VERY complex disinfo move, @realdonaldtrump will post the "Let's Roll!" meme with Anton rolling P-A-I-N.

My last long writeup on this is here, but it is somewhat outdated, mainly because there is so much more supporting info that I did not then perceive or that had not yet been put out:


As for Gorka, I think that Q has definitely ID'ed him as /ourguy/. (And incidentally @CarpeDonktum is /ourguy/ too.) And that means Gorka was surely part of the planning of the Q op while still in the WH. Whether he has been as active as Anton since "leaving" the WH I don't know. He seems to have had a much fuller public schedule than Anton since then, whereas while he was at the WH, the press seemed to regard it as a mystery what he actually did (likely answer: worked on planning Q).

Here is the last detailed post containing vidence that Gorka is /ourguy/:

>>6040579 (pb)

It contains links to earlier posts with more evidence. I think Q replied to this one, as I'll explain below.

The one thing I would alter now is the insistence that AG=Anton/Gorka on 14 Mar was meant for us. It was meant for the enemy.

Gorka is /ourguy/ and he may (or may not) be actively involved in Q right now, but I don't really know, and I don't think we have been given a signal on that, even if Gorka IS involved in some of the other signals, like the "WH clean SIG" discussed in the link.

(After the prior post, DJT reposted a CarpeDonktum video that had previously been posted by DT Jr, adding evidence against the idea that CarpeDonktum, or Gorka, are anti-Q. ACTING!)


Anonymous ID: 1c96a8 April 4, 2019, 11:28 p.m. No.6055844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5853 >>5994 >>6141 >>6215 >>6316



In response to my last extensive post on the Gorka/Anton issue…

>>6040579 (pb)

… I got a single reply, which I suspect is from Q:

>>6040612 (pb)

As a general rule, cryptic replies to posts that you KNOW are over the target may be from Q, either to confirm or to point to new angles.

Q has ALREADY confirmed that I was right to ID Gorka as Q team (see sublinks above, especially re Oscar and 17 min delta), so this is pointing in a new direction.


My first thought was that this related to the enemy having spent their ammo on the wrong day in the NZ shooting. I hadn't previously perceived the connection before. The shooting was on 15 Mar, and as I'll explain below and have explained earlier (but maybe with errors), a crucial day for Q=Anton/Gorka was 14 Mar. So this made sense, and I believe this was the intention, even if the quote was "wrong".


I remembered that Q had noted how the NZ plot was executed on the wrong day, but I also remembered that he HADN'T said this the day after. He actually said it a week later. Many times Q "Anon" postings have weird errors, so at first I thought nothing of this, but when I first started trying to write this up, I realized that a REMEMBERED that a different post had used the given language. So I looked that up. That post used the tripcode: NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! I don't see at the moment how that particular post matters, but the tripcode turns out to matter. (And the fact that the tripcode is relevant further confirms that the comment was by Q.)


Step back first though: Anons may recall that 3/15 was the first of several dates where we seemed to have considerable evidence that the hammer was to fall. We weren't wrong. We were getting decodes right. But our accurate decocodes were meant to mislead the enemy. One piece of evidence setting things in motion was that the Mueller report seemed to be done, and many suspect that the release of Mueller report will be closely aligned with many BIG events.


But 3/15 was the Ides of March, the date Julius Caesar was assassinated, ostensibly by patriots seeking to restore the Republic. He is said to have received 23 stabs. Other clues pointed to the Ides of March, and shills caught on to this and later mocked the fact that "nothing" happened. Another clue that the enemy surely noted, since at that point Anton was definitely established as Q team (although they surely suspected that or even knew that all along), was that the "new" portion of Anton's book dealt extensively with ancient Rome. Anton's book turns out to be extremely important, since it is on page 17 (in the midst of a Roman history discussion) that he "answers back" a 17 to DJT, but in an extremely subtle way. It is the thing that leaves me with ZERO practical doubt that Anton had been ID'ed overtly. But it is so subtle that I wondered how most members of the Q army are ever going to grasp this. Now I think that was part of the game. At first I wondered if Q team was being TOO clever, but now I think the game was to entrap the ENEMY into thinking they were being too clever. I'll come back to this, since the trap for the enemy mirrors the very subtle footnote.


At the moment, let's just take it that the Mueller report was expected any time, and that many signs, INCLUDING some highly subtle signs, pointed to March 15 as the day the hammer would drop.



Anonymous ID: 1c96a8 April 4, 2019, 11:29 p.m. No.6055853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5859 >>5994 >>6141 >>6215 >>6316




So… signs ALREADY pointed to March 15 as hammer time. And then on March 14 some extremely subtle signs appeared.


To understand this, you have to understand that it mirrors the overt rollout of Anton as Q team. On on level, this lasted from Feb 9 to Feb 15, with both Q and DJT contributing. But the two crucial days are Feb 11 and Feb 14, since these are the days that involve Anton as Anton. On Feb 11, we see "Anton on Tucker". I'm putting that precise phrase in quotes for a reason that you'll see. What we see is Anton appearing on Tucker's show, and on the split screen we see the initial phase of the "Q proof crazy" El Paso rally. DT Jr is speaking at the time. It is perhaps worth noting that Anton has, like, a "shit eating grin".


Then on 14 Feb, @realdonaldtrump tweets praise for Anton's book, with its 17 word title. (If you grasp the footnote issue, especially in light of all the OTHER evidence, then there is ZERO practical doubt that Anton is getting ID'ed as Q.)


(It is also worth noting that POTUS tweeted similar praise for Gorka's book on 1 Jan. Both tweets use "very" and "talented" and seem fairly unequivocal in their praise. And yet both tweets are also endorsing books by figures who SUPPOSEDLY lost their WH jobs against their will.)


tl;dr: Although there is a TON of background evidence internal and external to Q ID'ing Anton as Q team, the 11 Feb and 14 Feb dates are HIGHLY marked.



Anonymous ID: 1c96a8 April 4, 2019, 11:30 p.m. No.6055859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5865 >>5994 >>6141 >>6215 >>6316




Since I am trying to portray how the CLOWNS got PLAYED, I am going to describe my own experience, as an actual Anon focusing somewhat on these issues, with the likely experience of the corrupt clowns.


As things happened, there was an 11 Mar and 14 Mar rollout that was meant to mirror the 11 Feb and 14 Feb rollout of Anton as Q. I now think this was MEANT TO TRAP THE CLOWNS.


I didn't catch it at the time. I had moved on to other topics. I had NO DOUBT that Anton had been ID'ed as Q team or even as the face of Q. I was somewhat exhausted by the topic, to be honest. I didn't know that I had convinced many, but I knew I was right. The Q+ drop on 12 March confirmed beyond doubt that I was right on this, and I eventually made a graphic on it. Not immediately, but I KNEW I was right. VERY clever, Q team! I was NOT looking for more evidence.


The 12 line Q+ "video that will get Donald Trump elected" drop was posted minutes after I caught and posted the "quickly take control of a plane" theme. I'm thinking to myself: "Holy Shit, the fucking PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is responding to my damn messages in real time." But if that was so then there was only so much I could do and I had to get back to sanity.


I had other angles on Qresearch to explore and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Q team had posted this notable on Donna Zuckerberg to divert my attention:


It yielded results! (And they have not been fully digested yet…)


But the upshot for the moment is that I was NOT looking for any further info on Anton, since that was a DONE DEAL.


A few days later, on 18 Mar I think, I did catch that Anton had posted paired articles on American Greatness, a site he has been affiliated with, both on… Tucker.


I recognized quickly that this was somehow a mirroring of the Anton rollout, and wrote up some posts on it But I wondered what Q team was up to. I thought very few Anons believed anything I said on Anton, and I thought very few would catch the ingenuity of these new articles. But I KNEW somethat was up so I did my posts and resposted maybe once I think.


I think the intent was to trap the enemy…



Anonymous ID: 1c96a8 April 4, 2019, 11:30 p.m. No.6055865   🗄️.is 🔗kun




If you pay close attention to the 11 Mar and 14 Mar Michael Anton "Anton on Tucker" articles in American Greatness, there is little doubt that these mirror the Anton as Q rollout in Feb. A CRUCIAL clue is the "loosely educated" footnote on 14 Mar, which mirrors the footnotes that answer back the 17 on 14 Feb. The new "footnote" is VERY CLEARLY, if you read closely, a MESSAGE TO THE ENEMY. The ENEMY likely CAUGHT THIS.


Let's step back. The enemy, once they fully grasped that Michael Anton is Q team, has likely been closely monitoring anything he does, just as they have likely been closely monitoring anything any possible member of Q team does. Maybe they have access to illicit intel, maybe not. In any case, they are surely monitoring any POSSIBLE or ACTUAL Q team members for any "tells".


They SURELY caught the Anton articles in American Greatness and recognized the mirroring. I didn't catch them myself since I was at that time focused on the ENEMY.


They ALSO have likely monitored all who are likely candidates for Q team. Anyone who doesn't rank Gorka as a likely top 10 needs to LURK MOAR, no matter what he says. THEY know that. So… the 11 Mar and 14 Mar "Anton on Tucker" articles mirror the 11 Feb and 14 Feb Anton rollout. And then on 14 Mar both Q and DJT drop the term AG. Anons caught this. I saw that they caught this and recognized that this is surely something, but I wasn't sure what. Argentum? Didn't know…


But take the clown mindset… they catch the mirroring… they already KNOW there are many signs Gorka is /ourguy/… they think Q team is being TOO clever and giving clues dumbshit Anons won't catch… they fail to realize we are not simply trying to dox Q but to DESTROY the enemy… they fall for the trap and think Q team has released a signal that they caught and we didn't….




These DUMBSHIT PIECES OF SHIT thought Gorka was being ID'ed as Q team JUST BEFORE 3/15 and we were to stupid to catch it, so they launched their FALSE FLAG ATTACK!




Or maybe you don't "believe" in Hell?

Get a KNIFE!