Good to hear! My nephew 3 y/old is going to do great things! He’s making great progress. One day he will be among the ranks of you fine people!
Kek! POTUS still grabs the pussy. Only the pussies are the demtards
That fucking pos Manning should be in prison. But Noooooo! Hussein needs his tranny out.
He was never pro American or pro Trump. He served his purpose. Now he’s more worried about that tranny Brad? I could care less about the “white wizard”
The lazy fat stinky bitch couldn’t even manage that. Thank the lord. The Kenyan faggot gets what he deserves. No jail time he loves the ass rape. Just the rope on PPV for all the world to see.
Oh my… sides! Kek
Hopefully JZ and Nasty knolles are next
Tolerance much?