"Hussein gets rock star reception in Germany."
Not by the people he doesn't. Only from his fellow satanists, after he took a break from sodomy & snorting powder.
"Rock star" is the perp who is being justly stoned by the people.
"Hussein gets rock star reception in Germany."
Not by the people he doesn't. Only from his fellow satanists, after he took a break from sodomy & snorting powder.
"Rock star" is the perp who is being justly stoned by the people.
>>6058468 He was/is neither articulate or intelligent. A guy like Epstein, who from a secular viewpoint is intelligent because he used the system to make a shit ton of $$, is really as dumb as a brick because of what he used it for & got caught, and for what he faces at the judgment. How much dumber is Hussein, who never had an original thought in his life, or accomplished anything on his own hook, but rather learned how to read his masters' words off the teleprompter. Without the teleprompter, he is a squirming tard who can't make a coherent answer. But hey, he's great at standing in front of a crowd of adoring, starry eyed loons and saying repeatedly in reverse, "Hail Sa-an!" Compared to the least true anon, BHO is a tiny, diseased gnat.