Anonymous ID: bcb818 April 28, 2019, 1:14 a.m. No.6345085   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I actually thought that the Qresearch boards would be full of information, especially on these evil bastards like in this title ((fake) MAGA Coalition). But nooooooo. I find nothing but a bunch of whiney bitches, and some with the same shitposting style as those dipshits. Hmmm? What the fuck is this? It is this type of shit that makes this whole thing seem illegitimate. Anons are so smart and so great? How are they still operating, then? And the other shill-mills? Do y'all even know? Or are you too busy with your nasty things in your hand over the pornographic shitposts that they serve your sick, brainwashed minds?! Seriously?! I cannot imagine why any military intelligence would come here and speak to such imbeciles. Yes, I have seen the proofs and I trust those, but goodness. Where is the awesome that took that faggot actor guy's flag?! Were those guys who figured that out sitting around posting boobs with "thank you baker"? I seriously doubt it. Ya bunch of deranged fucks. "Let's scream Patriotism and fight the exploitation of fellow humans while further exploiting fellow humans for my/ our below feels." Did you even notice that the 2 loser manifestos are the same bullshit style as the shitposts that these bastards post? Did you notice that the latest even uses scripture? Does that not fire you up? Did you notice that they have been posting calls for bloodshed against Jews and others within the past few days? Clearly you assholes have zero information other than the Q post calling these guys out and their Social Media crap… QRV is nothing but these douchebags with their shitposting, and it really isn't any better here. No wonder this movement isn't as large as it could be. It's almost like a betrayal that y'all pretend to be so woke but aren't. Memes, right? That's where it's at, I guess. And porn. Not actually finding the bad actors that can actually be stopped by this movement….. Fuck you fake-MAGA and the like. You WILL go down. And fuck all y'all not-so-woke, bitching perverts, too. You're a major fucking let down.