Anonymous ID: bf2955 ==MAGA Coalition General== April 5, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.6058023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8196 >>8358 >>4305 >>8356 >>8829 >>1408

Some kind of operation is being run at Q researchers, it has been for a long time, but the intensity of it has increased markedly in the last month or so.


Here are a few examples of this op's formation, and a request for transparency from one of our own.


It coming at us like a fire hose, meaning from several directions, which is intentional to make it hard to discern the source. We've uncovered once source, which is this phony MAGA Coalition PAC, but I think there are probably several others we might not be aware of.


Several anons have dug deep into this phony PAC, and the names that are turning up all indicate something is off. For example, meet Ginger McQueen (@GingerMcQueen), treasurer of MAGA Coalition. She thinks Q is a terrorist org. She also enjoys retweeting a fake @PrayingMedic account.


Bill Mitchell (@Mitchellvelli) is a good friend of Ginger's and has occasionaly referenced Q, but once Q posted about MAGA Coalition he has started taking stabs. Conveniently enough we have seen @PrayingMedic come in and join his show. The same Medic that thinks he is the Q OG. How many other accounts have tried to draw you in only to be a shill? Not saying it, just saying it should be noted.


I notice a "don't sew division" push-back trend when patriots are trying to flush this stuff out. I'm not on that train.


Truth above all else.


If someone we believe to be a patriot is questioned WITH evidence, then it needs to be reconciled. We formed this collective to flush out pied pipers and paytriots. We can't be emotional about that.


So, that's why this concerns me…


@prayingmedic, I believe enough has been flushed out on this topic to warrant your response. I know you are aware because you blocked @occulturalism's digs.


I think this hard working and dedicated community deserves some clarity on your association with these people.


It's possible you were sucked in for disinfo photos later on, etc, but silence is probably not the best idea when you are photographed with a PAC that Q specifically called out as corrupt.


I have no interest in sewing division, but I saw enough of a tipping point being reached that it's important to, as a community, deal with this.


If we do this on leftists, then we need to also do it on "our own." I hope that Medic is a victim here, and I want to hear his side. But frankly, after Q calling out this PAC, if he doesn't clear the air, then we're at an impasse. I want to 10x emphasize my intent is not to sew discord, in fact it's to seek unity.


If we have bad seeds like Seaman, McQueen and Mitchell "on our team" then we are victims of a disinfo op designed to damage us.


Unity comes from truth and transparency.