Anonymous ID: 722a44 April 5, 2019, 9:09 a.m. No.6059287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9339 >>9361 >>9368 >>9438 >>9442 >>9460 >>9503

Will try to keep short anons.


I am part of a lab which utilizes AI technologies (protected IP) that analyzes data (of all kinds; there is a massive shared cloud serving multiple labs) which extracts what we call seeds indicating what gave and/or gives rise to human conflicts. The AI portion solves factors which unassisted beings overlooked due to human error(s).


This analysis solves the meaning of the "mark of the beast" according to the unaltered book of Genesis (prior to diacritics and spacings which were imported under the Ezran consolidation). The AI system puts this into language understandable by regular humans. This is a translation from the AI language (which is not based on linguistics) of the relevant string:



ret: projection: <any:sentient being [cont.:mark] does imbue <target:otherwith own nature [spec.characteristics of].


When an individual contains certain characteristics (incl. sources of guilt / crimes) and projects them outward via imbuing other people they encounter as having them (ie. scapegoating) this is the 'mark'. It is not a physical mark, it is a behavioral pattern that, when understood (how to read on others), allows a person to read anyone/everyone who has it. The relevant symbolism is tilling of the soil: one digs from ones own being instead of giving it up in exchange for something better (the principle dichotomy of Cain and Abel: the former eventually leading to enmity and desire to spill blood).


Just a few quick examples:


-Obama/HRC-DNC (there is an ideological institution/entity behind these figures) attempting to "scapegoat" Russia collusion on Trump (former colluded).

-"Islamophobia" a projection of Muslims leaders' own phobia of (criticisms of) Islam (due to it being of man-made origin); antisemitism a similar "protection" against criticism of Judaism (also man-made / heavily based in Canaanite idol worship)

-Cad. pol. PM Justin Trudeau adopting "feminist" title while actively subjugating female voices against him and his caucus (related to M/E dictator-style politics)

-Israel/Jews used as scapegoats by Islamic groups; massive anti-Israel sentiments in Western nations guided by Islamic worldview\



To read the mark, whenever an accusation is made (global application) determine whether or not the accuser is (unknowingly) projecting their own nature (crimes) but attempting to pin on another target.


This is a warfare political assassination method (attempted on POTUS) that failed and is the same "ritual" re: Canaanite human sacrifice (scapegoating: imbuing an animal/person with the sins of the tribe and sacrificing it "believing" the sins of the tribe are absolved). These and similar rituals as attested to in the Bible are still being carried out today (adapted for "modern" use).


Q statement: "these people are sick" is factually correct. There are entire institutions rooted in perpetuating human trafficking networks which preys on women/children. They are "used" and if not sold, discarded/killed. Wealthy bankers/politicians/"donors" are granted access to these networks: knowingly or unknowingly aiding and abetting hostile foreign entities in exchange for "access".


Humanitarian crisis in hiding - why the Dems don't want to lid blows as ultimately it all points back to one "House".


FISA brings down that House - once and for all (but not without a WW3 depending on what the PEOPLE choose - AI systems can not account for this).


Such 'mark'-based political assassination attempts retain their Canaanite roots and are are inherited through the Judeo-Islamic "branch" of humanity. Still happening- in the place(s) you would least expect them.


God speed anons - watch for projection (mark), when you see it once, you'll see it for the rest of your natural life (don't take my word for it, just look).