I've been to Benny Hinn conventions, visited the set of TBN, watched as people sent checks to Pat Robertson and Ernest Angley, and even witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit and those that would proclaim its works are those of the mind through hypnosis.
I've seen bullshit, and I've seen enough to make me realize that there is actually more to some of the promises being peddled. I question all of it, all the time. For that matter, I'm a really harsh critic of God (seriously).
If there's something I've learned over the years, it's this. Sometimes, you have people with less-than-altruistic intentions being used by God, or the universe, or whatever it is, to accomplish a plan. Sometimes, you have the most faithful watch their lives become ruin; only to be strengthened in their resolve, or torn into pieces. If you think that by coming here and attacking someone doesn't expose intent on dismantling the Qanon movement, then you're going to have a bad day.
Like I said earlier, I personally don't watch any of these folks on a regular basis. I do my own decodes, flawed as they may be, and I do them right here. Anons discuss, dissect, and move on to the next. If you want to grandstand on this board and relentlessly attack people, though, people are going to call bullshit.
Nobody gives a single fuck about the drama. Take it elsewhere; you'd likely be way more successful.