Anonymous ID: 208b6e April 5, 2019, 10:59 a.m. No.6060613   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I used to be a Dem and was a Bernie supporter in 2016.

Several anons here are as well.

Really woke up when i witnessed all the cheating and rigging of the Dem primaries( which is the very opposite of democracy)

We knew Top dems had something to do with Seth Rich, right after he was murdered( way before conservatives spoke his name)

Which made us start digging even deeper into Clinton.And when Wikileaks came out, we immediatly started digging into those.

Election night was the best night ever. Never laughed so hard in my life, was literally in tears from laughing and rolling on the floor.

I kept flipping the channel to watch all the dems freaking out. FUCKING EPIC.

After that i begun to see what Trump was really about, and started to support him.

I saw how MSM lied all the time.

Helped make memes regarding recount /electorial college, etc.

Continued digging on Clintons.

As soon as i saw the very first Q post on social media In late Oct 2017, i knew it was something big/important.

And i have been here ever since with my Anon Family.




Anonymous ID: 208b6e April 5, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6060852   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I just checked.

The Q post from May 13th 2018 on Q,

and in my own Q post archives.

I also went to look at Video on praying medics youtube.

at 42 mins in


YOU ARE CORRECT,Praying Medic has a doctored Q post in his video.

It is missing 2 lines

"Will Iran expose the names of corrupt officials?"

and the word Pickle for a second time.


I have Family anons who love praying Medic, and i'm not a shill,kek




go check for yourself.

Why in the fuck does he have a doctored Q post in his video?

Unless he got post from someone else( saw it tweeted online) and grabbed that post, not knowing it had been edited and changed.

Praying medic has always seemed like a good patriot, however given this type of fuckery.

Be very very careful who you follow.

Maybe trust but verify, and he failed the verify test.

are there other examples of him showing doctored/altered Q posts? if it's a one time thing, could have been accident due to some type of scenerio i mentioned above( got Q post from someone else on social media).

Anonymous ID: 208b6e April 5, 2019, 11:37 a.m. No.6061118   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Left used to talk about doing many things, that seemed like common sense.

Like needing more security for our border.

TRUMP is actually doing all the logical common sense things they have promised for decades.

Like fixing our bad trade policies.