didnt Q say JA was already safe in the states?
i get b& all the time, just say kushner is Q and fuck jews. thats all i gotta do
oh i know that. i just like seeing qtards reactions when they get called out
my issue with julian assange is him implying seth rich was the leaker and never providing proof. Q has said the same shit about SR. they can both rot in gitmo for all i give a shit. they are both all talk. talk talk talk talk
oh yes julian did, he fucking nodded yes in that tv interview.
fuck kim.fat hes all talk too
i doubt it. assange would have to be in constant contact with drumpf
after 7 years if he had something he wouldve dropped it already. he was bluffing he aint got shit and the insurance files aint got shit in them too
if thats true then aaron is a pussy and he let his brother die in vain, for nothing
bring up the jew coin with trump on it and how Q is a liar for saying we are saving israel for last
topkek disinfo is necessary but this and this and that is true