Tucker's MAGA.
I think we'll get about 1/3 of the Bernie Bros.
Dude blinks a lot.
Jesus reads the hearts of men.
Jesus knew everything you were going to think before he made the world.
Jesus has given himself a new name, that no one knows, not even the father.
If you want to walk on the narrow path, that is walking with Jesus, from now to eternity.
What you are talking about is the collection of people indwelled with the Holy Spirit of God; we bring the Holy Spirit everywhere we go. When two or more of us are gathered, the Holy Spirit of God is present in all of us.
This is actually not what you think it is; it's notice from Jesus that we do not have to belong to the Temple; we do not have to join megachurches.
If just two or three of us are gathered in His name, we are there.
His name was Yehoshua when he was here, but he is known more as Yeshua and Jesus than Yehoshua.
To the shame of Israel.
Movie's turning into a comedy. Fine to trash Judge K on that nutjob's completely batshit insane story; that was real, and sticking up for women.
This broad is for Bernie, so her allegations are nothing but political bullshit against Bernie's competitor.
He thinks that's Trump's attitude, and strength, that works for Trump, so should work for Biden.
Biden's a creepy douchebag; nothing manly sticks to him.
If you missed Andy Kaufman, you're in luck. This guy is the Finnish Andy Kaufman, and even funnier.
Won't matter. If you can't understand those lines, you can't understand anything else in the bible either.
If you're not even up to the breast milk of scripture, you cannot handle the beef jerky.
That's what I'm saying.
le sigh
You people bring up sacred and precious things of ultimate importantce to protect pedophiles and cannibals.
And you demand candor.
Which is why this Plan has supernatural or at least superhuman elements associated with it. It not only survived the first round fired in anger, it's methodically and irresistably pushing forward. As planned.
Everything is fake, projected for an image. Everything.
Caught Ismo just last month live; couldn't stop laughing. "These letter are for the paper, not for the mouth."
Yeah, can probably do a section in what, an hour or so? With x number of teams and welders standing by?
Extended family
Bosses of all shapes and sizes
Pastors, priests of all shapes and sizes
Mayors and all local pols
Reps and all state wide pols
Senators and Congressmen
Only the last is trustworthy.
Yeah, say, Joe, if you could stop fondling little girls, that'd be great.