Anonymous ID: 27067c April 5, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6062853   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2905

Congratulations to our Justice Department for its biggest health care fraud case ever:


South Florida Health Care Facility Owner Convicted for Role in Largest Health Care Fraud Scheme Ever Charged by The Department of Justice, Involving $1.3 Billion in Fraudulent Claims


A federal jury found a South Florida health care facility owner guilty today for his role in the largest health care fraud scheme ever charged by the Justice Department, involving over $1.3 billion in fraudulent claims to Medicare and Medicaid for services that were not provided, were not medically necessary or were procured through the payment of kickbacks.


After an eight-week trial, Philip Esformes, 50, of Miami Beach, Florida, was convicted of one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, two counts of receipt of kickbacks in connection with a federal health care program, four counts of payment of kickbacks in connection with a federal health care program, one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, nine counts of money laundering, two counts of conspiracy to commit federal program bribery, and one count of obstruction of justice before U.S. District Judge Robert N. Scola Jr. of the Southern District of Florida. Sentencing has not yet been scheduled.


“Philip Esformes orchestrated one of the largest health care fraud schemes in U.S. history, defrauding Medicare and Medicaid to the tune of over a billion dollars,” said Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski. “I commend our dedicated prosecutors and law enforcement partners for their professionalism and unyielding pursuit of justice on behalf of American taxpayers and vulnerable beneficiaries who, as a result of Esformes’s crimes, were denied the level of care that they needed and deserved.”

Anonymous ID: 27067c April 5, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.6062897   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3203 >>3274

Friday, April 05, 2019

Blind Item #13


The foreign born former A list syndicated actress turned reality star turned celebrity so far has been fending off the appeals for her to come to London in person. She knows there could be some type of kidnapping or murder in the next couple of days and wants to be nowhere close.


Obviously Pamela Anderson and Julian Assange

Anonymous ID: 27067c April 5, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.6062945   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2960

Geez, Fox is such a trainwreck, as is the entire Murdoch family.


March 29, 2019


This network gave a huge "donation" to this organization to try and fix the outcome of an award show. I'm not sure the award show though is prepared to give the actor in the news the most over the past few days, an award.


FOX/NAACP/Jussie Smollett

Anonymous ID: 27067c April 5, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.6063052   🗄️.is đź”—kun


The "We're Full" boom is going wild at warp speed

He's telling the pure truth that everybody else has been saying for years

Liberals heads are exploding

This is genius

If it was supposed to be a distraction for something, it's working like a damn charm


Anonymous ID: 27067c April 5, 2019, 2:13 p.m. No.6063253   🗄️.is đź”—kun

HA! Lori Laughlin and Felicity Huffman are looking at jail time

Added bonus: Lori's idiot daughter is trashing her parents for "ruining her life"

There have been a ton of firings at multiple universities

The College Admissions Scandal is the gift that keeps on giving


It looks like both Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman may be facing prison time for their involvement in this year’s massive college bribery scandal. According to an insider report from Deadline, the actors are looking at “a penalty of somewhere around six months to just under two years” if they’re found guilty. And it seems that prosecutors are pushing for jail time.


Earlier this year Loughlin and Huffman were exposed for being part of a national scam that involved bribing college officials to let their children into school. Loughlin and her husband fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli allegedly faked athletic records and SAT scores to get their two kids into USC. Huffman was also named as being part of the scheme. The actress’ husband William H. Macy has not been named as a defendant in the case.


This college admissions scheme has been one of the most bizarre scandals of the year as well as pointedly devastating to Loughlin. In the wake of the scandal, Netflix dropped the actress from Fuller House and Hallmark, Loughlin’s longtime home, severed all ties with her. But it seems as though things are only getting worse for these actresses.


This week both Loughlin and Huffman made an appearance in Boston’s federal court in connection with the trial. Neither made a plea, but an insider report from Deadline revealed that the prosecutors in this case are determined for both stars to receive jail time if they’re found guilty. The insider report mentions that jail time could range anywhere from six months to two years, depending on how cooperative Loughlin and Huffman are with authorities.


After the report, Hollywood Life interviewed a Boston criminal attorney about the case. Though Brad Bailey is unconnected to the case, he projected that Huffman could face between 21 and 27 months of jail time if found guilty. That same estimate predicted that Loughlin could face anywhere from 37 to 46 months in prison.


Over 50 people have been charged with participating in this $25 million nationwide scam. As the weeks go on and this case continues, we’ll know more about what punishments these celebrities may be facing. But for now enjoy this Fuller House episode loosely about Aunt Becky going to jail.

Anonymous ID: 27067c April 5, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.6063298   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3351

Ironic that Netflix is running a new show about traitors:


The Gist: Near the end of World War II’s European theater, Feef Symonds (Emma Appleton) is being trained as a spy by American officer Peter McCormick (Matt Lauria), getting her ready to go into the field along with her fellow Brits. But with the end of the war, she’ll be applying for a boring civil service job an Peter will be going back to his family in Iowa. Which is inconvenient for Feef, since the two of them have been having an affair.


Feef’s unique perspective on civil service gets her a job at the ministry of housing, doing boring studies about which kind of wood should be used to rebuild the bombed out towns around the U.K. But Peter has something more in mind for her; he’s part of the secretive Office of Secret Services (OSS) and he tells his boss, an aggressive agent named Rowe (Michael Stuhlbarg), that she’d be perfect to spy on her own government, whom Stuhlbarg is convinced is ripe for a Communist infiltration. It helps that her politics lean towards the Tory side, and she’s appalled that the Labour party — who Tories consider to be socialists — are likely going to gain the majority in Parliament and force Winston Churchill out of the PM’s office.


She gets especially annoyed at Hugh Fenton (Luke Treadway) a solicitor who is working for her conservative father, and plans to run for the House of Commons as a Labour party candidate. He won’t skinny dip with her after the dinner where they’re introduced, and when they run into each other in London, they both seem to be irritated and attracted to each other by their opposite political views. Rowe finds out about this and tells Feef to be more friendly with him going forward.


Rowe gets a complication; with the virtual end of the Pacific theater, President Truman is going to scale back OSS’s London office and cancelling their operations. Rowe is determined not to let his new asset go, so he goes rogue, with some private help. He takes over supervising Feef, with Peter mysteriously out of the picture. He tells Feef to try to get herself transferred to the Cabinet Office to get even further inside the government.


Our Take: Traitors, produced for Netflix and UK’s Channel 4, should be better than it is, given its cast and pedigree. Bathsheba “Bash” Doran (Boardwalk Empire, The Looming Tower) created and wrote the series, and it explores an aspect of post-WWII England that we haven’t heard a ton about, which is the socialist bent that the country’s government had right after the war, and the paranoia the U.S. had that those socialists will be influenced by Russia. Sounds a bit familiar, doesn’t it? Anyway, it’s also an interesting insight into the OSS, which is more or less a predecessor of today’s CIA.


But the first episode is muddled and is oddly paced. We’re not quite sure how Feef and Hugh are put in each other’s orbit, because Hugh’s connection to her family is barely explained. We’re also not sure what kind of secret agent work she’s being trained for, given that we’re first seeing her at the end of the war. Did she think she was going to be able to spy while working in civil service? Was there some sort of transfer of skills we’re not thinking about?


Then there’s Rowe. Stuhlbarg plays him as a clenched fist, more paranoid about communists than Joseph McCarthy was during that postwar era. More than once, he emphasizes to Feef or Peter that they’re in a new war, just as the old war was coming to an end, and goes off on a speech to Feef about the violence and rape that the Russian army inflicted on their march towards Germany. Once he goes rogue, he feels like a character that’s going to go Captain Queeg, trying to eliminate everyone who gets in his way. Most of the episode just felt uneasy in that way, showing a heightened view of what American’s fear of Communism was like back then. It likely was right on the money, but showing the Americans as bloodthirsty Red hunters just felt like low-hanging fruit to us.