Anonymous ID: 6f78ac April 5, 2019, 2:20 p.m. No.6063334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6062160 (LB)


Growing up here in the United States I thought a lot about our freedoms. Weird to think about as a child maybe, just how I was wired. I remember thinking how absolutely cool life is, the fact we can get into a car and go no matter where you wanted, you didnt have to check in with someone, you disnt have to okay your trip w/ anyone.. we were free to be free. We were born free. Amazing.


I had a legal situation happen where a “friend” conspired against me and I lost my freedom for a few years. Had to check in, had to have someone else tell me what I could and could not do. It was a living hell, and had a “friend” not pulled me under the water (so to speak) I would never have know that reality.


Seeing things like this reminds me of that period of time where my freedom was stripped from me. In no way is this a positive. We are being tracked in incalculable ways yet we have to succumb to more tyranny. We have had our tax money go toward people of other nations squatting in our homeland/country, we have had our politicians purposely subvert our rights and economy ti take our strong nation and prosperity down. We have had foreign and domestic Intelligence agencies conspire against us, w domestic terror (9/11 etc.) which involved coordination w domestic former presidents & their admins & staff.


All of this AGAINST the American People and we are told ONCE AGAIN to give up more rights.


WHY?!? It was OUR GOVERNMENT who has perpetrated these acts of terror and aggression toward US!!! [THEY] should have [THEIR LIVES] an open book for THE TRUE OWNERS OF THIS LAND, the American People.


I am fucking sick of this bullshit. Q, POTUS.. we are FUCKING SICK OF THIS BULLSHIT.