Not at all. They etymology of the word "Easter" is directly tied to Ishtar, Astarte, Assurah, etc. Easter bunnies/eggs are the symbols of a fertility cult. The Eastern Star is labeled F.A.T.A.L. for a reason.
Certainly not my first rodeo. Does anyone here know the meaning of F.A.T.A.L.? It pertains directly to Heylel.
Same thing with all holidays. Every one of them has roots in either devil worship, paganism, death, false gods, etc. December 25th is the birthday of Nimrod, not "Christ". What people call "Christmas" was celebrated in Rome as Saturnalia.
Hol-i-days are not Holy Days. The Eastern Star is labeled F.A.T.A.L. meaning, "Fairest Among Thousands, All-together, Lovely. It is Heylel, translated LUCIFER.
Interesting, that Heylel, pronounced HALAL, is the same word used by fake jews to label food as being "kosher".
They literally MARK their food as "kosher" with the transliteration of Lucifer's name, and with the Star of Remphan/Saturn.
If you are slighting "Christianity" in an attempt to get an argument from me, you are barking up the wrong tree, Sparky.
Most of those who call themselves "Christians" are deceived by the writings of Paul, who was one of the two false apostles mentioned in Revelation 2:2.
Most all of "Christian" churches sell pumpkins during October, celebrate Easter/Ishtar, and Nimrod's birthday/Christmas/Saturnalia.
IMO, pagans are larger idiots, because they at least knowingly participate in these practices, knowing full well what the rituals mean.