Name one thing trump has done for the average middle class american in the last year
Saying boy pussi doesnt make you any less of a faggot
Youre more of a fag than me and they vaccinated me
Lmao who plays that shit
Like all Q drones you have severe autism
Which is why you believe this shit
Its cool anon i got tricked too
But at least i snapped out of it
Lmao please name one thing that trump has done in the last year that has benefitted the average american
If hes real that should be easy ?
Maybe if anons were israeliโฆ.
Miss me with that gay shit fagbot
Except coming here idenitfies you as a potential threat
And if they find you amusing you become a chew toy
Please just leave anon
Theres too much evil on this board
I dont want anyone else roped into this bullshit
Im not liberal dumbass
Im probably more conservative than most here
I just dont support zionist neocons
Theyve been killiny them for that forever lmao
What do you think happened to odb tupac prodigy
I wish i lived in the above timeline
We got stuck in the trump is a faggot zionist cia nigger timeline
I dont go on pol
Which has even more shills than here
You fucking retards will be here in 2023 with daily migraines from the 5g
And still shouting trust the plan when trump does everything hillary wouldve done
Bad gaydar anon
My vaccines gave me the trans not the gay
Im here cuz they wont leave me alone
Nice now im not the most schizo anon anymore
Bitch im just some guy
Its laughably pathetic how anons call anyone who doesnt trust thebplan a shill
Now most of you are ai
But i know theres a couple lemmings here
What kind of person blindly supports donald trump in spite of overwhelming evidence because their ego cant take them being wrong
At least i can admit i was fucking wrong about Q
So interestint,how trump and Qs target countries are all the ones with no roth central bank
Trust wilbur ross guys
If Q was real he would address shit like that
As well as things that dont fit into his narrative
Man its almost like actual facts trigger your npc programming you Q drone
Mk ultra tends to do that
I used to be nice
Now i just want to watch it burn
And watch Qs family die