Hello ANONS,. So im just dropping this line to you, since you have way more reach than i do. but i have come up with an IDEA! . in regards to #WWG1GWA , why dont we begin our own operation to aid in this great awakening. Heres my idea…. Lets get a team of anons, lets make some informational flyers. entry level red pill for the masses. . . . . i personally ride a few miles a day, stopping randomly on trails and putting up some information seems like an excellent idea, then i began to wonder the other anons got in on this. this can spread like wildfire. . . . . lets make it happen . . . i will be making my own and putting them along my bike ride, maybe even put some out in public. . . . yes we will get many denyers, but we will let the facts speak for themselves…. share this message for and wide. . . thinking Paul Revere (the british are coming) style of warnings… #WeAreQPaulRevereMuch