This bothers me intensely, that GEOTUS keeps this piece of shit around. It makes me question whether or not we are being played.
The entire Kushner klan are garbage. Liddle Jared got his Harvard degree because Daddy wrote a check.
The fact that the two of them swanned into DC actually thinking they were going to have an impact and be respected while riding Daddy's coat tails? Permanent DC has seen starry eyed trustifarian narcissists before so the fact that they were shocked at the pushback just highlights how out of their league they are.
https:// www.propublica.org/article/the-story-behind-jared-kushners-curious-acceptance-into-harvard
https:// www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/11/inside-ivanka-and-jareds-first-year-in-washington
Yeah, they're hit pieces but even hit pieces can be truthful.
And the classic:
https:// taskandpurpose.com/jared-kushner-iraq-storybook-pictures/
I don't trust someone entirely who displays such poor judgement. People would be just as outraged if HRC had won and Chelsea was handed a seat at the big kids table. Neither of them have earned this, and they haven't earned or deserve the trust and respect of Americans who voted #MAGA.