Anonymous ID: 35fa0e April 5, 2019, 6:19 p.m. No.6066249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6065850 Remember Bidens buddy Gaga, who is buddies with Spirit Cooker Abramovich


Step 1:

Be a creepy mother fucker.


Step 2:

Decide you want to molest women with impunity.


Step 3:

Decry all attacks against women as the worst thing possible! How dare men think they could do anything to women! Rapist fucks! WE WILL PUNISH YOU!


Step 4:

Instill culture of lust around you by women. That is, women, lusting after your allure and power, will overlook "minor details" in the service of the absolute truth.


Step 5:

Molest these women.


Step 6:

Women don't say anything about you because the BAD MEN IN SOCIETY WOULD GET AWAY WITH RAPE IF THEY PUT THIS MAN BEHIND BARS!


Step 7:

Fuck my life.