Anonymous ID: 6967a0 April 5, 2019, 5:53 p.m. No.6065942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6009

'Sometimes the TRUTH is right in front of you…..' JFK Jr.


In 1870’s the Payseurs bought the Vatican through Parisian bankers via the Rothschilds, so the Rothschilds are worker bees for the Payseurs. This family is one of the top 13 bloodline families under the Merovingian Dynasty. Marie Antoinette was beheaded and her family was sent to America.


They started buying up all the railroad companies. The three railroad companies from the Payseurs are the parent to our Federal Reserve System. By owning the railroad companies, they were able to put the tracks in areas where there were mining rights and areas where they wanted to occupy different aspects of resources. The Payseurs bought Jekyll Island. Every person, the Vanderbilts, the J.P. Morgan names, all of these names, J.P. Morgan helped orchestrate for Payseur. These were all trusts. If you bought Standard Oil Rockefeller, it was called the Standard Oil Trust which were the stock shares. ‘These are trusts. ’’Q always said Trust the Plan’’’.


I googled trust and anti-trust and found Q’s gavel which he uses on the Patriots Fight board. It was a 2009 article “Trust and Anti-Trust Enforcement.” In the article it tells you that you have to have a clean Department of Justice. That’s what we’re doing now. You have to have Senate control 57-43. We even knew that was going to be the number before it happened and you have to have a Supreme Court. This is actually a crime against humanity. This is the big con.


Q says 5:5 a lot which means clear in radio. He also says Trust and Watch the Water. There is an entity called the Depository Trust Corporation on 55 Water Street in New York City, part of the Federal Reserve System. They basically cleared $1.61 Quadrillion last year.


The long and short is that banks and the CIA are owned by the Railroad because when Louis Payseur came here they opened a company called the Virginia Company with 48 families and they made another trust called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND BODY POLITIC. So we refer to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in all uppercase. It’s a proper noun. Q reminds us we should be these united states of America. That’s what we don’t know because history has been hidden from us. We don’t know that we’re French. I thought we were Rothschild controlled. But if you zoom out and think logically, what do we have sitting in our harbor in New York City? [A gift from the French]. What was the big purchase in Louisiana that was French? We are stealth French.


We think that Q is trying to get people on board with the President. You can see what he’s doing right now with the Fed. He is pointing out that the Fed is the problem. Q says that gold ends the Fed. Come to find out, the people who claim that we owe them $20 Trillion happen to be the same cabal, the central banking cartel that pretty much runs the world.

[More on video, but I didn’t transcribe.]

Anonymous ID: 6967a0 April 5, 2019, 6:11 p.m. No.6066159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6165 >>6172



By: The Unhived Mind


Yeah, even researchers like Daniel Estulin admit the likes of Rockefeller are way down the totem pole. He mentions House of Braganza as being one of the richest.


These are the people that have all the natural minerals in the world, are they not? Idiots on YouTube saying the Rothschilds have $400 trillion, idiots! Printing money is not the real power; controlling resources is!


I wonder what level you have to get to before you are told who your masters are? Does David Cameron bow to Queen Guelph?


Does Adolofo Nicholas take orders from these criminals? I would think he must? There has got to be a council dictating from ABOVE the Jesuits, who then coordinate the whole agenda.




A lot of these families are hidden within other scions or family names like the Medici continue mostly through the powerful Orsini which the Medici mixed into in order to get status. There is no doubt that the Rockefeller’s have power and wealth but they’re a front control for all the oil and medical systems but it is all under the Rothschild family (The Worshipful Company of Apothecaries/Barbers & The Worshipful Company of Fuellers) who took control over these merchant houses using Jacob Schiff as their middle-man controlling Wall Street for New Venice. People have to understand that families like Rockefeller and Rothschild are not the true power but they’re a lower branch of the Illuminati not its head. The Cecil family wouldn’t accept the Bauer’s into their fold for a very long time. Now when one understands that the Cecil family was commanded by the Genoa originating Pallavicini family, then one can see where the true power lies above the Rothschild today. The English flag has its origins from the powerful land of Genoa which eventually teamed up with Venice into the evil we have today using Britain (New Venice) as its command center and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as its whipping boy at the top above the U.S. Military. I’ve highlighted many times before the connection of NATO to the 9/11 attacks and the theft of power over the region secretly into the hands of the U.K. Ministry of Defence via Chicago.


The heads of the Illuminati are the Black Nobility of Europe such as the likes of Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV the Prince of Naples a man of extreme power, wealth and a high level member of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem the most powerful of the Papal Orders which controlled all other orders during the crusades and which holds the largest Cardinal membership. I should remind you that Emanuele IV lays claim to the title of the King of Jerusalem challenging the House of Bourbon! Emanuele IV also controls the powerful banking canton of Geneva in Switzerland with his wife of the House of Doria. You should look into Borghese family and the Jesuit trained Lorenzo Borghese who was educated at the evil Fordham University the second most powerful University in the U.S. If you want another important player to look up then go for Albert Johannes Gabriel of the powerful House of Thurn and Taxis. Why not spend some time looking up the Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona family and its connection to the Duke of Norfolk and their ties into the Giustiniani family? When you understand these families you can see how they master the intelligence networks like MI6, CIA so for the latter this is really a combination deeper than the Nazi SS and OSS it goes back to a combination of the OSS (US), X-2(MI6) and the Decima MAS (Italy/NATO). All these intelligence networks are commanded at the very top by the Order of Malta and its powerful Prelate Monsignor Angelo Acerbi.

Anonymous ID: 6967a0 April 5, 2019, 6:11 p.m. No.6066165   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Rothschild family do have a lot of land and minerals and why wouldn’t they when they know the currency they print is an illusion for the imprisoned and slaved herd (Cestui Que Vie Act 1666). Rest assured the Rothschild’s have Allodial Title whilst you the herd are given a privilege of Fee Simple which is useless. From the data we have so far it is the New Doge of New Venice (Queen Elizabeth II) who has the most land and real wealth of this world when it’s tallied up. Now of course there are families such as the Pallavicini from Genoa who have tremendous wealth that should be more impressive than the Queen but we just do not have any records of their data which is most unfortunate. The Pallavicini family were funding wars for Kings into the millions in times when no one had even heard of such a figure let alone that much in a currency. I think I recall the Pallavicini funding the British Empire thirty-million against the Spanish in the 17th Century. I’m afraid great power can be had over a system that accepts and believes in an instrument of debt which you create like the Rothschild family do with the majority of the world’s currencies. The only way to be free of such debt slavery is to remove the central war bank and instead print up credit notes through your own Treasuries such as the Bradbury Pound and Greenback.


David Cameron will bow to the Dame of Malta and New Doge of New Venice Queen Elizabeth II when he has to first be in her presence just as members of the Vatican have to do towards the Jesuits when they mention their name (the Society of Jesus)! The Crooked Nose Clan’s David Cameron is a House of Keswick pimple in the grand scheme of real ancient power, he comes no where near the power of


Nobility (Spencer family) Prime Ministers like Winston Churchill (Order of the Garter/Venetian Party of the North). Britain is a complicated mix of Roman, Norman and Venetian control somewhat amalgamated into one. You have to look at Orders like the Jesuit Order, Order of Malta (The Alliance of the Orders of St John of Jerusalem), Order of the Garter, City of London Corporation and Livery Companies, various ancient families then levels such as The Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (Black Prince Philip) along with the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath (Prince Charles) who protect the New Venice Empire for the Order of Malta through the intelligence networks. The power centers are the ancient city of Londinium (City of London) and Westminster the home of the Jesuit Provincial Office at Mount Street monitoring and controlling the New Doge (Queen) at Buckingham Palace.


Adolfo Nicolas SJ is now basically redundant since he resigned from his position as the Superior General of the Jesuits after being found guilty of child trafficking and satanic ritual abuses. Within the highest power levels of this conspiracy the members become almost of equal power and thus respecting one another. The Jesuits were set-up by the Venetians (roots go back to the Sarmatians) and elements of power from Spain in 1534 and the orders roots go back as far as the Knights Templar before this faction was moved into the Kingdom of Aragon under a new name (Order of the Calatrava) on orders of Pope Clement V. Please do not listen to Eric Phelps when he claims that the Superior General is the almighty of the Jesuit Order. The Black Pope hasn’t been the driving force of the Jesuits since World War II and I’ve informed you all that the driving forces are the JCUSA and CEP divisions of the Jesuits which I believe are still at war today regardless of a sense of false peace going back to the 1983 33rd General Congregation acceptance of Peter Hans Kolvenbach.

Anonymous ID: 6967a0 April 5, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.6066172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6177


What we have here is the whole world being mastered by the great minds of the Jesuits, and what are known as The Ancients (Venetians). If you look you will find all the Nobility like King Juan Carlos and elite figures like Bill Clinton, Shimon Peres (exposed by Leah Rabin in her book ‘Rabin: Our Life, His Legacy‘) are trained by the Jesuit Order (military fortresses such as Georgetown University). When you look at the mindset imposed over the system and people such as the pseudo-science (Royal Society) and social engineering (Tavistock/Fabian Society) this all stems from Venice commanded from the Arsenale di Venezia using the likes of the Cini Foundation. You will notice I highlighted the connection of the Jesuit Boston College in the US with the Venice International University which is something on par with the likes of the Nobility controlled Round Square education of the Gordonstoun School in New Venice (Great Britain).


I do believe that the Venetian power will soon dump Britain as it moves its financial hub (City of London/Wall Street) into Dubai, the political power into Iraq and the spiritual power into the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem the international city of the New Middle East. So by this time I expect Venice to come out of the shadows of Britain (New Venice) which it hides behind and once again bring back the visible power of ancient Venice. I believe the current independence movement in the region is just the start of Venice showing its victory in the battle of the Roman Empires.